prepare可数吗  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11
vt. 准备;预备(饭菜);配备;使(自己)有准备
vi. 筹备,进行各项准备工作;做好思想准备;作出,制订;锻炼(身体等),训练




  1.prepare sth.表示"准备.",后接名词或代词作宾语.

  Our English teacher was preparing the lessons when I came into the office.我进办公室时,我们的英语老师在备课.


  Mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen while Father was watching TV.妈妈在做饭,而爸爸在看电视.

  2.prepare sb.sth.表示"给.准备.",也可转换为prepare sth.for sb..

  She prepared us a nice breakfast.(= She prepared a nice breakfast for us.) 她给我们准备了可口的早餐.

  3.prepare sb.for sth.表示"使某人对某事有所准备".

  She said so because she wanted to prepare her father for the bad news.她这样说是因为她想使爸爸对那个坏消息有所准备.

  4.prepare to do sth.表示"准备做.".

  They were preparing to cross the river when it began to rain.他们正准备过河,突然下雨了.


  prepare for sth.表示"为.做准备".

  The students are busy preparing for the final exam.学生们正在准备期末考试.

  三、prepare的名词形式为preparation,它可以和介词in一起构成in preparation for短语;也可和动词make一起构成make preparations for短语,表示"为.做准备".

  We are getting things together in preparation for the journey.我们正在收拾东西准备旅行.

  They have made preparations for what will happen.他们已为将要发生的事情做了准备.


  1.prepare sth.是"准备……",宾语是所准备的内容.如:

  Mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen.妈妈在厨房准备饭菜.

  He had a speech to prepare that evening.那天晚上他得准备一个报告.

  2.prepare to do sth.准备做某事,如:

  Taking out a piece of paper,he prepared to write to his parents.他拿出纸,准备给父母写信.

  He is preparing to go on a trip.他正准备去旅行.

  3.prepare for sth.是"为……做准备",for是准备的目的.如:

  He is busy preparing with great care for the Congress.他们正忙着精心准备这次代表大会.

  Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.抱最好的.希望,做最坏的准备.

  4.prepare sth.for...为……准备某物,如:

  Please prepare the table for the dinner.请摆好桌子吃饭.

  You must prepare a room for the guest.你必须为客人准备一个房间.

  Mr Smith is preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow.史密斯先生正在为明天会上的讲话做准备.

  5.prepare sb.for sth.使某人对……进行准备,如:

  We have to prepare the students for that work step by step.我们要为学生进行这项工作一步步做好准备.

  The doctors and nurses are preparing the patient for the operation.医生和护士们在使病人为做手术而进行准备.

  He prepared himself for defeat.他使自己对失败作好准备.

  6.prepare do sth.使某人准备做某事,如:

  They prepared themselves to accept the defeat.他们准备好接受失败的结果.

  Father is preparing my little brother to go to school.父亲为我小弟弟上学做准备. prepared for sth.=get ready for sth.为……做好了准备,强调状态.如:

  They were prepared for the worst.他们已准备好了应付最坏的情况.

  He was not prepared for the question.对这个问题,他没有做好思想准备. (well) prepared to do sth.准备、打算做某事,如:

  We are prepared to supply the goods you asked for.我们准备好供应你要的货物.

  I'm not prepared to listen to your weak excuses.我不想听你那站不住脚的借口. prepared against sth.对……做好准备,against有"与……作斗争"、"抵御"之意.如:

  We're fully prepared against any aggression.我们对任何侵略都做好了充分的准备.

  Be prepared against war,be prepared against natural disasters and do everything for the people.备战,备荒,为人民.


  The preparations for the party took hours.聚会的准备工作花了几个小时.


  make preparations for 为……做准备,如:

  She is making preparations for her marriage.她正在为自己的婚事做准备.

  make preparations against sth.为对付/防止……做准备,如:

  We must make preparations against natural disasters.我们必须为防止自然灾害做准备.

  in preparation for 为……做准备,如:

  We're getting things together in preparation for the journey.我们正在收拾东西准备旅行.

  He is training in preparation for the next football match.他在训练准备下一轮足球赛.


  He is preparing a medicine.他正在配药.

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