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  morning exercises


  做早操 do morning exercises ; do moring excecise

  跑早操 Running morning exercise ; Running mates ; Morning exercise run

  早操活动 morning exercises

  早操时间 Time to exercise

  早操歌 Song for Morning Exercise ; The Exercise Song

  做早操有益 Useful to do morning exercises ; Doing morning exercises is good

  我们做早操 we do morning exercises


  1. I've been feeling much better since I started doing my daily dozen.


  2. We were amused at his funny movements in doing morning exercises.


  3. They came out for their morning exercise. I also joined in.

  他们出去做早操, 我也参加了.

  4. You may join in the drill again when your hands are white.


  5. His advice set me off doing morning exercises every day.


  6. They came out for their morning exercises; I also joined in.

  他们出来做早操, 我也跟着做.

  7. Jim believes in fresh air and morning exercises.


  8. We do morning exercises every day.


  9. The sports teacher's whistle in the distance echoed through the crowd of girls among the trees.


  10. Doing a half hour morning exercise is her habit in every day morning.


  11. We do morning exercises after the second class every day.


  12. Well , it's time for morning exercises.


  13. What time do those pupil do morning exercises each day?


  14. After morning exercises, the classes went to their respective rooms.

  早操后, 各班学生回到各自的教室.

  15. Last the morning exercise sweep classroom, it's yet early check.

  上早操打扫教室, 还早检.

  • 早操英语怎么说
    答:早操的的英文翻译是morning 。重点词汇 exercise 英 [ˈeksəsaɪz] 美 [ˈeksərsaɪz]n.练习; 运动,训练; 运用; 典礼 vi.训练,练习;vt.锻炼(身体某部位); 使焦虑,使忧虑; 实行,发挥(作用); 运用 ...
  • 早操用英语怎么说?
    答:早操的英语说法:morning exercises 早操的相关短语:做早操 do morning exercises ; do moring excecise 跑早操 Running morning exercise ; Running mates ; Morning exercise run 早操活动 morning exercises 早操时间 Time to exercise 早操歌 Song for Morning Exercise ; The Exercise Song 做早操有益...
  • 早操英语单词怎么读
    答:早操的英语是morning exercises,例如:Can we do morning exercises tomorrow?我们明天可以做早操吗?I usually do morning exercises after getting up.通常我起床后做早操。
  • 早操英语怎么读 早操英语如何读
    答:2、例句:(1)Can we do morning exercises tomorrow?我们明天可以做早操吗?(2)We do morning exercises before classes begin.上课前我们做早操。特别说明:通过以上关于早操英语怎么读 早操英语如何读内容介绍后,相信大家会对早操英语怎么读 早操英语如何读有个新的了解,更希望可以对你有所帮助。
  • 做早操的英语单词是什么?
    答:do morning exercise 做早操 例句:1.Doing morning exercise every day will keep you fit.每天做早操将使你保持健康。2.Do morning exercises and eye exercises.做早操和眼保健操。参考资料:海词词典
  • 做早操用英语怎么说?
    答:做早操的英文是:Do morning exercise。早操(或称早锻炼、课前操)是在清晨或课前进行。凡在学校住宿的学生,每天清晨起床后做15~20分钟早操。走读学生可在每天课前做10~15分钟的课前操。早操的内容一般以广播操为主,也可安排慢跑或发展身体素质的简单练习。exercise 1、exercise用作名词的基本意思...
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    答:“做早操”用英语表示为:do morning exercises 有关例句如下:(1)We should do morning exercises every day.我们应该每天做早操。(2)He students are taking morning exercise at six.同学们早上六点的时候正在做早操。(3)Secondly, to shepherd the children to do morning exercise.其次,带领...
  • 做早操的英语怎么读
    答:做早操 do morning exercises 难词解释:exercises 英 ['eksəsaɪzɪz]美 ['ɛksəsaɪzɪz]n. 练习题,演习;运动 例句:The day starts with morning exercises at 7. Breakfast goes next.早上7点钟,以早操开始一天的征程,紧接着是早饭。
  • 做早操用英语说是什么
    答:做 早 操 做= do 早= early 操= fuck 哈哈```其实应该是 do morning exercise 拉
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    答:做早操的翻译如下。由于在外国没有做早操的概念,所以不能直译。可以用早上做锻炼来代替做早操进行翻译。所以做早操一般翻译为do morning exercise。从翻译的运作的程序上看实际包括了理解、转换、表达三个环节,理解是分析原码,准确地掌握原码所表达的信息。转换是运用多种方法,如口译或笔译的形式,各类...