
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03
这句话可以翻译成这就是他(她)们被误解的地方.这个他(她)们就是they,可以指人,要看上下文.\x0dmistaken应该是动词的被动用法.\x0d这句话的从句是they are mistaken,已经完整了,用where这个表方位的词来引导这个表语从句,可以强调这就是...的地方这个意思,是对从句的一种修饰限定,相当于占从句的状语成分,they are mistaken here.而若改成This is just what they are mistaken.用what来引导表语从句,一般它会在从句中占主语或宾语的位置,也就是缺了它从句就不能通.但they are mistaken是一个完整的句子,what并没有占不可缺少的位置,所以这句话不对.可以改成This is just what they are mistaken for.what是从句的介词宾语,这句话可以还原为they are mistaken for this.他(她)们被误解成这(个样子).就通顺了.(mistake sth for sth把什么误解成什么.)

  • mistake的用法(高手进)
    答:这句话可以翻译成这就是他(她)们被误解的地方.这个他(她)们就是they,可以指人,要看上下文.\x0dmistaken应该是动词的被动用法.\x0d这句话的从句是they are mistaken,已经完整了,用where这个表方位的词来引导这个表语从句,可以强调这就是...的地方这个意思,是对从句的一种修饰限定,相当于占从句...
  • 急求!!英语高手进
    答:1. 第一个单词词尾如果有重复的辅音字母,则被“精简”掉一个。举例如下:almost 来源于 all + most already 来源于 all + ready altogether 来源于 all + together adverb 来源于 add + verb = 附加给动词 = 修饰动词的词 walnut 来源于 wall + nut = 墙壁 + 坚果 = 核桃 welcome 来源于...
  • 急,关于英文的翻译和造句!!高手请进。(高分悬赏)
    答:1.cheers up 振奋 Don't worry, we will cheer you up!2.wash away 冲走 The rain wash away my bad mood.3.mistake sb for sb 把……误认为……I am so sorry for mistaking you for your twin sister.造2个句子的词组:1.be familiar to 被某人熟悉 Liu Xiang is familiar to Chinese...
  • 英语高手进来
    答:1.Mr Wang taught them Japanese last year.teach sb. sth. 教某人东西 不能用代词 2.You'd better speak as much English as you can.as many/much as 尽可能多的 English是不可数名词,所以用much 这里没有比较的意思 3.If you pay more attention to your spelling, you will make...
  • 英语高手进 我需要你们的帮助
    答:有时候,在英语里,我们把动词MAKE和一个名词一起用,而不是直接用一个简单的单词.举个例子,make a mistake (犯错误) 而不是to mistakes.观察这些简单的动词然后说出用make+a+noun 的形式 剩下的不译 make a suggestion, make a decision, make a plan ,make a contribution , make a speech ,...
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  • 英语高手进.
    答:1. I don't know how to explain my fault or I don't know how to explain the mistake I have made.2. Faults are faults.(仿 Boys are boys.孩子就是孩子)3. Any explanation is just an excuse.
  • 英语高手进。
    答:mistake:1The area is...(word mistake)2square kilometer 3THe are is most general...4approximately holds...5The coastline is as long as34000...6 148 millions of 7 (the Russian...)8north on the 9the sea of...10Finland~Hasaksta are...11With country and so on the( no...
  • 英语高手进
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  • 英文高手请进
    答:mis-, mistake, misleadpseudo-, pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience3)表示反动作的意思de-, defend, demodulation(解调)dis-, disarm, disconnectun-, unload, uncover4)表示相反,相互对立意思anti-, ant- antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的)contra-, contre-, contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流)...