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A Xanthomonas uridine 5′-monophosphate transferase inhibits plant immune kinases

Feng Feng, Fan Yang, Wei Rong, Xiaogang Wu, Jie Zhang, She Chen, Chaozu He & Jian-Min Zhou
AffiliationsContributionsCorresponding authors
Nature 485, 114–118 (03 May 2012) doi:10.1038/nature10962
Received 05 September 2011 Accepted 17 February 2012 Published online 15 April 2012

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  1.Xiaoyu LI, Xiuxiu HAN, Zhiqiang LIU, Chaozu HE(2013). The function and properties of the transcriptional regulator COS1 in Magnaporthe oryzae. fungal biology 117:239-249(通讯作者)  2.Daqing Mao, Jun Tao, Chunxia Li, Chao Luo, Linlin Zheng and Chaozu He (2012) Light signalling mediated by Per-ARNT-Sim domain-containing proteins in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. FEMS Microbiology Letters 326:31-39(通讯作者)  3Feng Feng Fan Yang, Wei Rong, Xiaogang Wu, She Chen, Chaozu He and Jian-Min Zhou (2012) A Xanthomonas uridine 5’-monophosphate transferase inhibits plant immune kinases. Nature 485: 114-118(通讯作者)  4. Yan Zhang & Feng Feng and Chaozu He (2012) Downregulation of OsPK1 Contributes to Oxidative Stress and the Variations in ABA/GA Balance in Rice Plant Mol Biol Rep 30:1006–1013(通讯作者)  5.Yan Zhang, Wenkai Xiao, ijuan Luo, inhuan Pang, ei Rong, Chaozu He(2012). Downregulation of OsPK1, a cytosolic pyruvate kinase, by T-DNA insertion causes dwarfism and panicle enclosure in rice. 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Dongmei Yu, Kosala Ranathunge, Huasun Huang, Zhongyou Pei, Rochus Franke, Lukas Schreiber and Chaozu He (2008) Wax Crystal-Sparse Leaf1 encodes a β–ketoacyl CoA synthase involved in biosynthesis of cuticular waxes on rice leaf. Planta 228: 675–685. (通讯作者)  15. Chao Ge and Chaozu He (2008) Regulation of the Type II secretion structural gene xpsE in Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris by the global transcription regulator Clp. Current Microbiology 56:122-127. (通讯作者)  16. Lifeng Wang, Wei Rong and Chaozu He (2008) Two Xanthomonas extracellular polygalacturonases, PghAxc and PghBxc, are regulated by Type III secretion regulators HrpX and HrpG and are required for virulence. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:555-563.(通讯作者)  17. Wei Qian, Zhong-Ji Han and Chaozu He (2008) Two-Component Signal Transduction Systems of Xanthomonas spp.: A Lesson from Genomics. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:151-161.(通讯作者)  18. Hong, W.-F.; He, C.-Z.; Wang, L.-J; Wang, D.-J.; Joseph, L. 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  • 何朝族的发表论文
    答:Planta. 235:25-38(通讯作者) 6.Daqing Mao,Jun Tao,Chunxia Li ,Chao Luo,Linlin Zheng,Chaozu He(2012) Identification of novel oxygen sensors using a combined approach in Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris. Ann Microbiol, 62:957–964 7.Chunxia Li, Jun Tao, Daqing Mao, Chaozu He(2011). ...