读写任务(共1题,满分25分)阅读下面摘自China Daily的一则信息,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07
第二节读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Every ac

One possible version: This passage mainly introduces a book entitled The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking. The writer hopes this book will be helpful to everyone in pursuit of his dream.It’s widely accepted that communication is of great importance. Good communication may help achieve our goals while lots of misunderstandings or even great loss may be caused by lack of communication. One of my past experiences is a convincing example. I used to be e-friends with a foreigner. I really enjoyed talking with him and learnt a lot from him. But as I was the first year of senior high school, it took quite some time to adapt to the new life. Besides, I was busy with my work in the Students’ Union. Therefore I had little time talking with my e-pal on line. As a result, he thought I was no longer interested in it and eventually stopped e-mailing me. Later I tried restoring our friendship but got no reply. I lost a foreign friend due to less contact. To conclude, we should pay attention to communication with others and make the world a better place for everyone. 略

According to the survey, many students become addicted to computer games and some even play computer games for a long time without eating and bathing, which has bad effect on their studies and health. From my point of view, I am strongly against students’ playing computer games because it causes many disadvantages. First, students addicted to computer games can’t concentrate on their study and therefore they may fall behind the other students and their scores get worse and worse. Second, spending too much time playing computer games instead of taking exercise will do harm to the students’ eyesight and make their body in bad condition. Third, some computer games are full of violence, blood and sex, where students may imitate them and do something wrong to society. In conclusion, students should keep off computer games even though they have no lessons. They should make full use of time to work hard at their lessons and take more exercise for the sake of their future. 略

A program of recycling textbooks is to be introduced to some primary and middle schools this new semester. The policy is supposed to bring about both economic and environmental benefits.
In my opinion, this is something we should have done much earlier. It is the responsibility of us all to make it work. To do so, however, we must take the following into serious consideration.
First, publishing companies would suffer if fewer textbooks are printed. Facing such a difficult situation, the government decision-makers must take a long-term view and make the right choice. Second, parents and students may have concerns over the cleanliness of the used textbooks, worrying that they may become a source of diseases. Though not a difficult problem to solve, it deserves necessary attention from the school authority.
Third, students may have a hard time adapting to this change. Still they must understand the value of the books, handle them with care and keep them in good condition.
In a word, the government, schools and students should all be involved in order to make this good policy successful.

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