
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

With the development of information technology, a powerful wave of information technology is sweeping the globe, the traditional organizational structure has become increasingly unsuited to the development of information technology. At present, the domestic small and medium enterprises generally low levels of information technology is still the traditional growth model, technology and equipment, the level of information, production is still relatively backward. Information technology has become a business management innovation, enhance competitiveness and to adapt to the inevitable choice for the times change. Although aware of the many small and medium-sized information on the importance of enterprise development, but small and medium-sized information technology is still fraught with difficulties. This paper describes the information environment of small and medium-sized organizations with the dynamic changes in the way, from the perspective of theory and empirical study of the changes in the performance of business organizations, responded to the information age, the reasons for organizational change and how to change the problem, and small and medium enterprises in the information times how to do an effective analysis of organizational change.


Green barrier, also known as environmental barriers, are those made by developed countries to protect the ecological environment and human health in the name of, directly or indirectly taken to restrict or prohibit trade laws and regulations. With economic globalization and trade liberalization, technical barriers gradually replaced the traditional tariff and non-tariff barriers, this paper studies the impact of green barriers is also the main technical barriers to the development of export trade.
Since China's accession to WTO, the green barriers on the export of our products bring a lot of restrictions. As a trading nation in the development, on the one hand, a positive response to the green barrier of the direct and profound influence through international trade dispute settlement mechanism in consultation with the importing country; the other hand, carefully study the background of green barriers, causes, ways to improve our environmental management system, study the corresponding countermeasures. In this paper, China's export of green barriers on the trade of the title, the text is divided into five chapters, the first two chapters expounds the concept of green barrier, and the background and reasons, the third and fourth chapter analysis of the specific reasons for being green barriers China's export trade and to the specific impact of the last chapter of the green made barriers should be taken of the measures.


The doctor-patient relationship is the current health work, how to understand the hot issues with deal with the current doctor-patient relationship not only affect the development of the cause of our health and people's life and health problems, if not be handled properly, can also affect social stability and economic development of the big picture. This paper from the society, with square, public opinion zhongjings prescriptions, four aspects to reveal the doctor-patient relationship nervous reasons and how can we correct understanding, understanding and dealing with the current doctor-patient relationship.


医患关系 医护人员 患者 理解 处理
The doctor-patient relationship paramedics patients understand processing


doctor-patient relationship
manage,deal with,handle,settle

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