
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-17

你好,你来自哪个国家? Hello, what country are you from?

你很漂亮,我可以和你一起拍照吗。 You are very beautiful, can I take a photo with you.

谢谢。可以留个手机号码吗? Thank you.You can leave a mobile phone number?

我英文只会这么多,希望可以和学习。My English will only so much, and hope to learn.


楼主的问题贴的有点急吧?不知道是不是手打的,里面有不少拼写和语法错误哦~我试着都改过来了,不知道对不对。另外有一句.George's soild understanding of the job,so everyone was happy when Gerrge accepted a two-year contract for temporary transfer to Japan.这个实在是病句,前半句没有谓语,建议查下原文哈~不过意思应该差不多的~

1.Confucianism provides another important ingredient in the Asian's success as well. In Confucian philosophy, the family plays a central role--an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family, not just for themselves. One can never repay one's parents, and there's a sense of obligation or even guilt that is as strong a force among Asians as Protestant philosophy is among those in the West.

2. The first cultural translator I ever met was an installation engineer,George by name, who worked for an American company where I was the director of international operations. The company had just started a joint venture with Japanese employees in its unique technology. George’s solid understanding of the job, so everyone was happy when George accepted a two-year contract for temporary transfer to Japan.

3. From the start, George was well accepted by all the Japanese employees. Japanese managers often distrust anyone sent to represent US owners, but George was so naturally nonassertive, that no one could see him as a threat to their careers. So, they felt comfortable asking his advice on a wide range of matters including the odd behavior of their partners across the ocean. Engineers throughout the company appreciated George's expertise and his friendly and capable help, and they got into the habit of yearning to him whenever they had a problem--any problem. And the secretaries in the office were eager to help this nice bachelor learn Japanese.
从一开始,乔治就受到了日本雇员的好评。日本经理常常不信任美国雇主派来的代表, 但乔治的谦逊浑然天成,没有人会把他视为对自己事业的威胁。所以,他们感到很自然地在各种问题上向他征求意见,包括大洋彼岸的合作伙伴们那奇怪的行为。全公司的工程师都欣赏乔治的专业技能,感激他友好而能干的帮助。他们养成了只要遇到问题就想找他的习惯——任何问题。而办公室的秘书们则热切地帮助这位英俊的单身汉学习日语。




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