
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

How is everything going? Sorry for the late response for I didnt have access to facebook these days. Much of my time was spent to recognize new classmates here. It is lucky that all the courses was conducted in English. It is OK for me. My new classmates are zealous. I just got to know 2 chinese friends. I was invited to their home last night. They warmly taught me Chinese. I am very happy to know them. Most of my french classmates speak weird English with lots of French accent. I cannot understand them totally. I think speaking french would be better for them. haha...
Did u learn Spanish in high school? I only can speak a little^-^. You are the best guy since you can speak English as well as Spanish that is the first language in trade.
Reims is a very beautiful city. It is a pity that it is much smaller than I expected but very beautiful.
Have a nice weekend!

B: Hi, today is Sunday, why don't you go out to play? Always stay in the dormitory? Go with me to play?
C: (payable to look at, non-existent, shake)
B: gee, what things? Don't know how you into university? Always read the book, dead dead reading.
C: I want to say again check, use more bite lips, eyes tightly staring at the book
A: feed! You say? How others hinder you, how have so of others.
B: hey, dating back? Why don't we go to play?
A: I am not going, under etc. We had to go to the library self-study, you also learn the somebody else! Read all the so long books also don't know where is the library!
B: I don't like you, don't like someone equally daily in the dormitory installed hard. I will go to the sports. Ignore you.
A: don't care about ah, she this person is so.
C: that's ok.
C: I'm always a person, a person have a meal, a reading, I'm lonely, I have no happiness, sadness, since some just went to college, recently I always want to cry, always want to home, I do not have a bosom friend, I don't know how to get along with them? (monologue)
Scene 2: the classroom
B: I heard you dad gave you from Switzerland took a watch back, give us admire!
A: there is no good thing, but with another table as!
A: ah, how is gone?
B: look, how can quickly gone? Where did you?
C: isn't in the dormitory?
A: I remember when I took out, quick help me find it ah, that watch is worth, lost my father will scold dead me.
B silently pull once A clothes, fingers quietly only to C.
A: if you take, you give it back to me. I don't blame you.
C: I'm sorry, but I really didn't take your.
B: just now we are out, you are the only one who in a classroom, not who you are?
C: you have no evidence, cannot be wronged.
B: you every day is not to talk, so paranoid. Our dormitory always see things, is you steal it, you be a thief.
C: I...
B: usually how much we take care of you, and got something to eat for you, English tapes lend you listen to... Klepto.
C: your mouth didn't clean?
B: what do you say? (

A: ah, don't make so much noise. I remember I put the watch lend to students.
B: I thought...
C: that's enough. I know you hate me, look down upon me, because my house, but I would never poor do things like that, you can look down upon me, but you can't insult me. I also have dignity...
B: I'm sorry, I misunderstood you.
A: don't cry, in fact we are together have friction, everybody has shortcomings, like me, too without memory.
B: as for me, peacetime to you, I st36, but please believe me, I later would change.
C: me too, usually I isolates himself up, not with you very good communication.
A: ok, from now on, we never put what is installed in the heart, everyone really open your heart, each other containing, mutual care.
C: because after all, we're a family.

1.汉(民族) Han (Nationality)
2.团员 League member
3.良好 Excellent
4.中专 Technical secondary school
5.医药科技学校 Medicine Sci-Tech School
6.财务管理 Finance Management
7.营销 Marketing
8.苏州市苏锦二村XX幢XX室 Room xx, Building No.xx, Sujin 2nd Village, Suzhou
9.基础会计 Basic Accounting
10.江苏省英语中级 Intermediary-Level English of Jiangsu Province
11.日常操作 Daily operation
12.演讲 Speech
13.担任导购员职务,担任营业员职务,担任理货员职务 Acted as a shopping guide, acted as a sales clerk, acted as a tally clerk
14.05-06年度被评为“优秀积极分子” Awarded the title of "Excellent Active Person"
15.文艺汇演获得鼓励奖 Won the Encouragement Award during a cultural and artistic performance
16.“爱我专业”演讲比赛获得第3名 Won the 3rd prize in the speech contest titled "Loving my Speciality"

4.Medium particularly
5.Medicine science and technology school
6.Finance management
8.The brocade room XX, Block XX, Tsun 2 of Su in the Suzhou City
9.The accountancy of the foundation
10.In province English in Jiangsu class
11.Daily operation
13.Hold the post of to lead to buy a member job, hold the post of a business member job, hold the post of the reason goods member job
The Year 14.05-06's is review for"excellent activist"
15.The literature remit to play to acquire an accessit
16.The speech contest of"love I profession" acquire the 3rd

4.Medium particularly
5.Medicine science and technology school
6.Finance management
8.The brocade room XX, Block XX, Tsun 2 of Su in the Suzhou City
9.The accountancy of the foundation
10.In province English in Jiangsu class
11.Daily operation
13.Hold the post of to lead to buy a member job, hold the post of a business member job, hold the post of the reason goods member job
The Year 14.05-06's is review for"excellent activist"
15.The literature remit to play to acquire an accessit
16.The speech contest of"love I profession" acquire the 3rd


I'm optimistic and have a lot of hobbies.The colourful out-of-class life broadens my horizons and helps to develop my character,which is down-to-earth, perseverent and courageous. i am well equipped with professional skills,team-work spirit and organizing ability. I'm also very diligent, progressing, cooperative and easy-going.

他多才多艺 He's versatile.

她是个很能干的人 She's a real go-getter.(指能干的人)

她口才很好 She's eloquent

她是个博览群书的人 She is a well-read girl

John 是个书虫 John is a bookworm

他为人正派 He flies right

他是个好人 He is a good guy

他容易相处 He is eary to get along with

他助人为乐 He is always ready to help others

他很有事业心 She is enterprising

他富于创新精神 He is creative

他是个有责任心的人 He is responsible man

他很内向 He is very reserved.

她很细心 She is thoughtful

他很有主见 He knows his own mind

她很喜欢出风头 She likes to show off

她是个马屁精 She is a bootlicker

他经常说别人坏话 He often speaks ill of others

他爱吹牛 He likes to brag

她净说好话 She is a smooth talker

你有胆量 You have a lot of guts

Resumeé for 姓,名
Email: abc@xyz.com (填写正确地址)Mobile: 1390 xxx yyyy

Career Goal: (职业目标 )
I aim to combine my skills in English, accounting, marketing and public performance to advance my career in the area of marketing and sales. Positions requiring interactions with customers directly are highly suitable for me.

Experience (经验)
My professional experience has been mainly in the sales area covering on site sales facilitation (导购员 ), salesperson(营业员)and product display management (理货员). ( 最好能附上以往工作细节,如单位,职称,时间段等等 )

Education (学历)
Graduate of Jiangsu Medical Science & Technology Vocational Institute (19XX,20YY??), trained particularly in financial management (财务管理), basic accounting (基础会计), sales and marketing (营销)
Jiangsu province, middle level English diploma
Proficient in computer usage

Prizes (奖状和奖励)
2005-2006 nominated as “distinguished and progressive professional”
“Love my Vocation” competition (列出地点和时间, 比方Shanghai, 200x) Third Prize
“Joint Cultural Performance” (Hangzhou, 19xx, 200x) Encouragement Prize

Hobbies & Special Interests (嗜好和特长)
Public speaking & performance are my areas of special interest and I enjoy tremendously interacting with people (演讲和演出是我的特殊爱好,待人接物更是我的专长)

1. Chinese (nationality) 2. Member 3. Good 4. Specialized middle school 5. Medicine science and technology school 6. Financial control 7. Marketing 8. Suzhou Soviet brocade two villages XX XX room 9. Foundation accountant 10. Jiangsu Province English intermediate 11. Daily operation 12. Lecture 13. Holds the post of 导购员 the duty, holds the post ofthe shop employee duty, holds the post of the tally man duty 14.05-06 year are evaluated "the outstanding activist" 15. The literary arts collect develop win the encouragementprize 16. "Specialized likes me" the oratorical contest obtaining3rd

1.汉(民族) The Han (Nationality)
2.团员 League Member
3.良好 Good
4.中专 Technical secondary school
5.医药科技学校 Medicine Science and Technology School
6.财务管理 Finance Management
7.营销 Marketing
8.苏州市苏锦二村XX幢XX室 Room xx, Building No.xx, Sujin 2nd Village, Suzhou City
9.基础会计 Basic Accounting

10.江苏省英语中级 Intermediary-Level English of Jiangsu Province
11.日常操作 Daily operation
12.演讲 Speech
13.担任导购员职务,担任营业员职务,担任理货员职务 Acted as a shopping guide, acted as a salesperson, acted as a tally clerk
14.05-06年度被评为“优秀积极分子” 05-06 Year be awarded the title of "Outstanding Active Person"
15.文艺汇演获得鼓励奖 Won the Encouragement Award on a cultural and artistic performance
16.“爱我专业”演讲比赛获得第3名 Won the 3rd prize in the speech contest titled "Loving my Major"



I'm optimistic and have a lot of hobbies.The colourful out-of-class life broadens my horizons and helps to develop my character,which is down-to-earth, perseverent and courageous. i am well equipped with professional skills,team-work spirit and organizing ability. I'm also very diligent, progressing, cooperative and easy-going.

他多才多艺 He's versatile.

她是个很能干的人 She's a real go-getter.(指能干的人)

她口才很好 She's eloquent

她是个博览群书的人 She is a well-read girl

John 是个书虫 John is a bookworm

他为人正派 He flies right

他是个好人 He is a good guy

他容易相处 He is eary to get along with

他助人为乐 He is always ready to help others

他很有事业心 She is enterprising

他富于创新精神 He is creative

他是个有责任心的人 He is responsible man

他很内向 He is very reserved.

她很细心 She is thoughtful

他很有主见 He knows his own mind

她很喜欢出风头 She likes to show off

她是个马屁精 She is a bootlicker

他经常说别人坏话 He often speaks ill of others

他爱吹牛 He likes to brag

她净说好话 She is a smooth talker

你有胆量 You have a lot of guts



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