
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01
请英语高手帮我翻译下面一段话 非常感谢!

Thanks for your support and help to our company all along.Just for your efforts,our company develops continously and our achievement is closely related to you.We are going to have a Spring Banquet in Dongguan Changan ...Hotel on Feb 17th to thank all leaders and staffs for their hard work and effort to company development.We are all looking forward to your participation and having dinner with staffs.We will be very glad if you can come.Thanks!


Gradually, everyone knows the meaning of often-seen misspelling.
And they begin to use them silently.
Later, in order to shorten the typing time, keypals use more convenient symbols, dialects, and more misspellings on inofficial webs to communicate.
When the users and newly-formed phrases rise to a certain number, some hackers appear who are carving for the development of software.
They made the professional program of textspeak.
Software, such as The Black Fish, is very popular on the Internet.

as time goes by, people acquiesce in using the wrong written word which can be easily understood. Then, netter use code, dialect and wrong written words to ease communiacte in informal situation. Someone who has passion to software development even make softwares especialloy for "Language of Mars" such as "huge black fish" when there are certain amount of people using new word.

Over time, we can understand the meaning of common typos, the default used. Since then, users typing in order to shorten the time, an informal forum on the Internet easier to use symbols, dialect, and to communicate more typos. When using the new phrase the crowd and formed a certain scale, the emergence of a number of enthusiastic software development, web master create a "Martian" special software, the popular online the "big black fish" and other software.

as time goes by, people acquiesce in using the wrong written word which can be easily understood. Then, netter use code, dialect and wrong written words to ease communiacte in informal situation.

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