
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07


知识点:1、形式主语It is...(这段话的语法重点)。
3、at a low price\A more..等固定短语。
4、take 的用法及广义属性。
5、opportunty 拼写错误,应为opportunity。

Dear Mr./Ms. XXXXX,
I am XXX, (此处介绍你自己身份). I am writing this letter to invite your child to become a member of our badminton community.
Children will benefit a lot from playing badminton. They may strengthen their bodies and release the pressure while enjoying the game. Some parents might worry about the balance between the activities and the schoolwork. If parents help their children deal with the schedule properly, sports will definitely enhance the study.
Our badminton community will hold competition regularly. We also hope parents will take part in the competition with their children. Playing badminton with your children will give you a good opportunity to communicate with children, to show your care, and meanwhile to ease your pressure.
Since parents are very busy on weekdays, the competition will be held on weekends.
We will inform you the details of the competition later. Please contact us at: (此处介绍联系方式和活动具体安排信息).
We are looking forward to your coming!
Sincerely yours,


With the deepen of reform and China’s opening up to the outside world, contrasts between China and other courtiers began to catch our attention.

Transcultural communication becomes more and more significant.

The cross-culture communicative ability must be developed from an early age and improved in the practice of foreign language learning.

As an approach, presentation of cultural background in English teaching is imperative.

In fact, we have tried for many years in this field, but not enough and with little fruit.

Only by applying methods enhancing transcultural communications and conducting research into English teaching methodology can we greatly stimulate the reform and development of English teaching.

As a result, the learner will be capable indeed of using the English language.






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