
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-16

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Ecological stoichiometry of science is the study of biological systems, energy
and chemical balance, is a study in biogeochemical cycles of elements [19], and
ecological processes in the integrated approach to metering and regulation [1].
Potassium is one of the three elements of the plant, is indispensable for a
large number of elements in the metabolic processes of plants. This article
reveals the potassium in plant leaves-chemical measurement characteristics and
spatial pattern of variation, using theories and methods of ecological
stoichiometry, on the determination of North China 37-point sampling, take
samples of hippophae rhamnoides and soil samples in the sample sites,
respectively. Sample digestion using H2SO4-H2O2, by flame photometer (BWB XP
Performance Plus, UK) determination of potassium element contents in leaves and
soil, and analyzed. Results showed that of the geometric mean in leaves of
Chinese seabuckthorn and potassium 11.76mg g − 1, the main factors affecting
geographic variables (including latitude, longitude, altitude), climatic
conditions (including: average annual temperature, with an average annual
rainfall) and soil potassium content. Potassium content in leaves of which
increase with altitude increase, with an average annual temperature of decreases
and increases, due to leaves of potassium from soil, soil potassium and
potassium content in leaves show a consistent trend, with longitude decline and

Along with the modern soccer movement athletics level unceasing enhancement as well as the high level soccer athlete's in worldwide scale widespread flowing, causes between various football teams the strength disparity rapid reduction, in the competition process resistance degree to be even more intense.Facing the physical quality outstanding fullback as well as the crowded defense, the attack side member scores a point the score difficulty big increase through individual technical and the traditional attack tactic.But in the soccer field, two rib spots is exactly opposite party defends to defend the link quite weak region.Therefore compares with other attack tactic, scores a point the score difficulty relatively through two rib attack tactic low, success ratio relative high. Two rib attack tactic is not one sole tactical form and the method, but is one kind has pointed in two rib this defense weak region union many kinds of attack way attack tactic.This article takes the object of study by the near three session of World Cup 192 soccer competition data, and data which collects through the analysis, how fully uses this weak link in the modern soccer competition, adopts what kind of attack method effective score to carry on the analysis and the research.


With the modern competitive level of football, as well as the continuous improvement of high-level football players in the world a wide range of flows, making the football team's strength among the rapidly narrowing the gap, competition in the process of the extent of even more intense confrontations. The face of great physical as well as intensive defensive back, offensive to members of the adoption of technology and traditional personal goals for attack tactics greatly increase the difficulty of scoring. In football, it is the other side两肋defensive positions in the defensive formation is relatively weak link region. Therefore, compared with other offensive tactics, offensive tactics through两肋the difficulty of scoring goals is relatively low, the success rate is relatively high.
两肋tactical offensive tactics is not a single form and means, but a specific defensive weakness in the两肋This combination of a regional approach to attack a wide range of offensive tactics. This article 192 in the last three World Cup soccer match data for the study and analysis of data collected on how the modern football games take full advantage of the weak link in what offensive means to carry out effective analysis and research points.

(Rib-part attack两肋offensive)

Enhances as well as the high level football player's widespread flowing unceasingly around the world along with the modern soccer sports athletics level, causes between various football teams the strength disparity to reduce rapidly, in the competition process's resistance degree is even more intense. Facing the physical quality outstanding guard as well as the packed defense, the attack side member increases greatly through individual technical and the traditional attack tactic goal score's difficulty. But in the soccer field, two rib spots is exactly opposite party defends in the lineup to defend the link quite weak region. Therefore compares with other attack tactic, is relatively low through two rib attack tactic goal score's difficulty, the success ratio is relatively high. the two rib attack tactic is not one sole tactical form and the method, but is one kind target-oriented in two rib this defense weak region union many kinds of attack way attack tactic. This article takes the object of study by nearly three session of World Cup's 192 football competition data, and collects through the analysis does the data, how fully use this weak link in the modern football competition, to adopt the what kind of attack method effective score to carry on the analysis and the research ! 请求楼主给分,呵呵


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