
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

PD-1 or CTLA-4 has different mechanism and scientific basis. With the deepening of the understanding of the mechanism of tumor immunity, new immune target drugs will also continue to develop, different immunotherapy drugs , The combination of immunotherapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and the exploration of its predictive biomarkers will be the focus of the study.

Objective To investigate the treatment of anorectal postoperative pain relief, edema, and effective way to promote wound healing. Methods 516 cases of anorectal postoperative patients were randomly divided into two groups (treatment group and control group), cleaning the wound after the treatment group to be anti-bacterial spray spray deposited directly in the control group using conventional surgical dressing. Both groups with a He-Ne laser irradiation. Results through the two groups after wound pain, the highest margin of edema symptoms and postoperative wound healing time were compared and found that the treatment group wound pain relief, edema of the wound edge, wound healing time, treatment group was significantly better than the control group, two more significant difference (P <0.05). The concluding antibacterial spray with the He-Ne laser has a good and promote wound healing, its efficacy is reliable, safe and convenient.


读音:英 ['medsn] 美 ['medsn] 

n. 药;医学


1、动词+~:practice medicine行医

2、形容词+~:clinical medicine临床医学

3、名词+~:state medicine国家公费医疗

4、介词+~:a bottle of medicine一瓶药


1、You know I dropped medicine and took up physics.


2、My sister is a student of medicine.


3、Doctors of medicine are among the most wealthy members of American society.




1、medicine的基本意思是“药”,是药物的总称,尤指内服药; 可指直接用于病人的药,不指制药的原料; 可指合成药,也可指其中的一种药。




Objective: To investigate the serum protein electrophoresis in patients with liver cirrhosis spectrum Change for clinical diagnosis and treatment of the provision of reference materials. Methods: The United States Helena SPIFE 2000 agarose electrophoresis Automatic Determination of 138 cases and 50 cases of liver cirrhosis in patients with normal serum protein ratio. Results: The patients with liver cirrhosis of serum protein electrophoresis of each component compared with the normal result, there is significant difference. Conclusion: in patients with cirrhosis of the serum protein electrophoresis analysis must have the characteristics of cirrhosis are the diagnosis, prognosis and efficacy of a good indicator.

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