
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

当逻辑主语是人时,后面的表语或宾补该用现在分词还是过去分词取决于逻辑主语是分词动作的执行者还是承受者。如果逻辑主语是分词动作的执行者,就要用现在分词,反之,就要用过去分词。国内有些英语书籍称逻辑主语是人时,要用过去分词; 逻辑主语是物时,要用现在分词。这种说法是以偏概全,是片面的。试比较下列句子:
1. The man was surprised at the news.
相当于:The news surprised the man.
或者: The man was suprised by the news. (逻辑主语the man是动作的承受者,the news则是动作的执行者。)
2. We found her frightened at / by the snake. ( her 是后面动作的承受者)
3. Tom is very surprising —— we all thought that he was dead. 汤姆非常令人吃惊,我们都以为他死了。
相当于:Tom surprises us -- we ...
或者:We are surprised at / by Tom -- we ... (Tom 是动作的执行者)
综上所述,本题答案应该选B, 理由是:son与disappointing 之间是主动关系,即son是后面动作的执行者。本句意思是:由于他的儿子令人失望,这个老人很不开心。

说明:1.动词不定式作主语, 2.动词不定式作表语,3.动词不定式作宾语,4.动词不定式作宾语补足语,5.动词不定式作定语,6.动词不定式作目的状语,7.动词不定式作真正主语,it 代替动词不定式,作形式主语。8.带有连接代词的动词不定式作宾语,9.不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。
1. “to” 是不定式符号还是介词,下列短语中的to 都是介词。
agree to object to close to , come to , lead to , refer to ,
equal to , familiar to , point to , thank to , devote to , next to , belong to , be used to , look forward to
2. 带to 还是不带to
I have no choice but to give in
I cannot do anything but give in
I saw him enter the classroom .
( 但是: He was seen to enter the classroom .)
3. 动词不定式逻辑主语是由for 作为标记的。但是有时用of .
It’s necessary for you to study hard .
It’s foolish of him to do it .
与of 连用的形容词有:
good, kind , nice , wise ,clever , foolish , right , wrong , careful , careless , polite , possible
want , hope , wish , like , begin , try , need , forget , agree , know , promise , teach , refuse , help , arrange , dare , decide , determine , fail , manage , offer , prepare , continue , ask , mean , choose , expect etc.
需要宾语补足语的动词不能用动词不定式直接做介词的宾语,而要用it做形式宾语。例如:通常不说We think to obey the laws is important . 而说We think it important to obey the laws .
5.不定式的省略。下列短语中,如果意义明确,常常省略到to 。
want to , wish to ,hope to , like to , hate to , plan to , try to , love to , have to , o
ught to , need to , used to , be able to
He has a lot of meeting to attend .
Please lend me something to write with .
He is looking for a room to live
He is looking for a room to live in .
He has no money and no place
to live ( in ) .
I think the best way to travel ( by ) is on foot .
There is no time to think ( about ) .
She is always the last ( person) to speak at the meeting .
----I’m going to the post office , for I have a letter to post . ( 逻辑主语是I )
-------Thank you. But I have no letters to be posted now ( 逻辑主语不是I )
1) 原因
He is lucky to get here on time .
happy , glad , delighted , pleased , sorry , eager , anxious . lucky , fortunate , proud , angry surprised , frightened , disappointed , ready , clever , foolish , worthy
2) 目的
He came to help me with my maths .
3) 结果
I hurried to get there only to find him out .
The book is too hard for the boy to read .
He is old enough to go to school .
8 . 不定式作补足语
I saw him play in the street just now .
能跟不带to 的不定式作补足语的动词有:
see , feel , hear , listen to , look at , watch , let , have make, observe, notice
注: 当这些词为被动式时,不定式要带to , 如:
He was seen to play in the street just now.
Learning English is very difficult .
His job is driving a bus .
I enjoy dancing .
I have got used to living in the country .
Take some sleeping tablets , and you will soon fall asleep .
1.There’s no telling what will happen .
=It’s impossible to tell what will happen .
= No one can tell what will happen .
2.It’s no use talking with him .
It’s no good speaking to them like that .
3.There’s some difficulty ( in ) doing …
在此句型中,difficulty 可以由以下单词替换:
trouble , problem , fun , pleasure , a good time , a hard time
forget to do … 忘记要做某事
forget doing… 忘记做了某事
remember to do…记住要做某事
remember doing …记着做了某事
mean to do … 有意要做某事
mean doing … 意味着做了某事
regret to do … 对要做的事表示后悔
regret doing … 对做过去的事后悔
can’t help to do…不能帮助做某事
can’t help doing … 情不自禁做某事
try to do … 尽力去做某事
try doing 试着做某事
learn to do … 学着去做某事
learn doing … 学会做某事
stop to do … 停下来去做(另一件事)
stop doing … 停止做某事
go on to do … 接着做(另外一件事)
go on doing … 继续做某事
used to do … 过去做某事
be used to doing … 习惯做某事
动名词作定语表达 n+ for doing 的含义
现在分词作定语表达 n+which(who) be doing的含义
如:a sleeping car = a car for sleeping
a running horse = a horse which is running
前者是动名词 , 后者是现在分词
又如: drinking water , walking stick running water , sleeping boy
3. 动名词的逻辑主语:
例如:His coming made us very happy .
5. 动名词主动形式表被动的情况:
need doing , want doing , require doing
例如: This room needs painting . 这个房间需要粉刷。
admit , avoid , advise , consider , delay , deny , enjoy , escape , excuse , fancy , finish , complete , forbid , imagine , mind , miss , permit . practise , require , suggest , risk , keep, take to , look forward to , get down to , feel like , can’t help , can’t stand , be used to ,insist on , succeed in , set about, give up , include ,

三. 分词
1 The story is interesting . I’m interested in it .
2 . This is a moving film .
3. The secretary worked late into the night , preparing a long speech for the president .
4. Given more time , I’ll do it well .
When he passed the back of the street , he saw the thief stealing some money from the bank .
Do you know the woman talking to Tom ?
= Do you know the woman who is talking to Tom ?
The soldier wounded in the war has become a doctor.
= The soldier who was wounded in the war has become a doctor.
China is a developing country and America is a developed country.
The news sounds encouraging .
They got very excited .
The news is interesting .
He is interested in the news .
doing 作表语,主语与表语是主谓关系 ;done 作表语,主语与表语是动宾关系。
The blackboard was broken by Xiao Ming .(强调动作)
The blackboard is broken . You’d better have it repaired.(强调状态)
amused , injured , covered , known , dressed , lost , broken , gone , delighted, excited , pleased , satisfied , married , worried , surprised , interested , burnt , shut , crowded , wounded , drank , done
3.现在分词、动名词 现在进行时的区别
The situation in our country is encouraging . (表语)
The situation in our country is encouraging the people . ( 现在进行时)
My job is looking after the little baby . (动名词)
能回答how-question 的是现在分词,能回答what-question 的动名词,即不能回答how-question 也不能回答what-question 的是现在进行时。
例如: How is the situation in our country ? It is encouraging .
What is your job ? My job is looking after the little baby .
have something to do 有某事要做
have something done 使某事被做
have somebody do something 使某人做某事
have something doing 让某事一直做着
5. 需要跟反身代词作宾语的动词:
seat , prepare , hide , dress
如:I seated myself on the chair .
I was seated on the chair .
Having finished the homework , I went home . ( 时间)
Being a Party member , I should work hard . (原因)
Given more time ,I can do my work better . ( 条件 )
He ran out of the classroom ,shouting at the boy. ( 伴随)
To get more knowledge , we must work harder and harder . ( 目的 )
He is old enough to join the army . ( 结果)
a running horse 现在分词 = a horse that is running
a fallen leaf 过去分词 = a leaf that has already fallen
a walking stick 动名词 = a stick for walking
something to do 不定式 = something that I should do
I have a problem to be discussed at the meeting . ( 将来)
The building being built on the river is the Science Museum . (正在进行)
The building completed three years ago is now in bad conditions . ( 过去)
Seeing from the hill , the city looks beautiful .( 错误 )
Seen from the hill , the city looks beautiful . ( 正确)
Seeing 与the city 不是主谓关系;seen 与city 是动宾关系

动词involve是及物动词,意思是“使卷入,使参加,使参与”。英语及物动词必须有宾语,否则要用被动语态; 而不及物动词则不能直接跟宾语。试比较下列句子:
We involved her in the performance. 我们让她参加了这次演出。
She was invoved in the performance. 她参加了这次演出。
不能说" She invoved the performance",但可以说" She invoved herself in the performance"。
involve sb in ... 让(使)某人参加(参与, 卷入)……,be involved in ... = involve oneself in ... 参加(参与,卷入) ……。
综上所述,本题答案应选择A, 因为宾语students是involve动作的承受者。若选择B, involving 后面必须加上宾语themselves。
addicte oneself to sth = be addicted to sth沉溺于……, bury oneself in sth = be buried in sth 埋头于……。

be /get involved是一个固定搭配,就是参与活动,或者事件. 例如,more than 30 software firms were involved in de project. 软件公司参与这项工程。还有be get involved with 这样的搭配。因此,这个答案选择 involved,不是现在分词。


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