
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-30

参考词汇:福娃Friendlies ;吉祥物Mascots;繁荣prosperity;藏羚羊antelope;燕子swallow

It was my grandfather's birthday last Sunday and he received a lot of gifts, including one from me:a fine small pocket radio. When I handed the gift to my grandfather, he was delighted and praised me for my beautiful gift.
My parents, uncles and uncles are busy every day and they can’t accompany my grandpa, so I suppose he must be very lonely. With this radio,he can listen to the news, novels and health programs for old people to kill the time. Not only can he have a lot more fun but he can increase his knowledge as well. What’s more, it will benefit his health and spirit. There will be more smile on his face.
I feel it a great pleasure that I can do something for my grandfather.
(130 words)
文章在介绍自己给爷爷买a fine small pocket radio的原因时,下笔墨很多,说明作者是个有心人、细心人,读来让人动容。相信作者的这份爱心、孝心也能触动阅卷老师的心灵,为自己博得理想的作文分数。
另外,作者在遣词造句方面也颇有讲究,delighted;accompany; suppose;lonely; kill the time;benefit his health and spirit;as well等词和短语运用得也很有水平。






As it is universally acknowledged that presents may convey friendship and precious feelings, I have an idea in my mind that a unique gift should be sent to my intimate friend who will leave for the U.S. A in August.

To begin with, the present consists of two parts--one photo album and a letter. As she opens the album, the season of happiness and the period of sorrow that we shared will be unfolded, thus locking the days into her permanent memory. When she misses her homeland and her friends, this

album may act as the most effective medicine on her homesickness. As for the letter, I hope that it may give her power and courage when she is depressed. So I will write in the letter that “There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. Complete darkness may endure for a night, but it

will never overcome the radiant light of the morning. ”

On the whole, the present bears my sincere wishes and it will become an everlasting symbol of our friendship.



My best friend, Jack, he is a sportman. Because he loves sports, so his score is always bad. I want to help him, so I have been ready for giving him a present. It is a notebook about many valuable things.

First, I hope it is useful for him. His score will progress. But I'm sure he will read it every night. Because I am his best friend. I hope he will get a good score in next text.

Then, I hope he can spend less time playing sports. Or he will have no time to study, his score will never be better.

The last, I hope us will be forever best friends. And I will help him, but I really hope my present will let him get a good score.



All living things need light and heat from the sun to live.Plants need light and heat to grow.They use the light from the sun to make food.We cannot make our own food,but plants can.All the food we eat comes from plants in a food chain which starts with the sun.For example,animals need sunlight,too.Just like us,their comes from a food chain which begins with the sun and the plants.

First way:By bus,need to chang bus,and need to walk stretch.
Second way:Take taxi ,the price is dear.
My advice:I think take a taxi is better than by bus.Because buses are always crowded.Although take taxi is expensive,it's comfortable.And you can also have a nap in the taxi.Good luck to you!

乘公交汽车,须转车,还须走一段路程; 乘出租车,费时,价钱贵;


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