
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

Dear Tom,

I'm glad that you want to study Chinese well. In order to realize your goal, i think there are three points you have to do your best. First of all, talking with Chinese people frequently. As you know that language is a tool of communication instead of a field of knowledge, you should seize every opportunity to practice your oral Chinese. Secondly, watching Chinese TV series of films. Those entertaining activities can inspire your interest in studying Chinese, and promote your feelings for the language as well. Lastly, reading some Chinese novels or newspaper. Culture is also a crucial part of a language. Therefore, you should master the thinking mode of Chinese by getting to know its cultural background.

To sum up, so long as you persist doing what i have suggested above, you will achieve a lot in learning CHinese.

Yours Truly,
Li Ping

Dear Lucy,
I am glad to receive your letter.I am writing to give you some advice in the following text.
To be really sociable, the first thing you need to ensure is to befriend your classmasate, by which I mean you'd better be affable to them and assist them as frequently as you can. Next, you will have to participate in extra-curricular activities being self-motivated. In addition to what I have told you, you can probably join a club. Not only can you make a host friends, but that you can foster your interests.
Thus, given the above advice, I hope you can do your utmost to take actions.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Jenny,

I have got you letter and have leart that you are going to take some part-time job during your summer vacation. You ask me for advice because you don't know which one to choose, as a tour guider or a private teacher. And I'm glad to share my opinion with you.

In my view, a tour guider needs to be outgoing, be fond of traveling, and be good at contacting different people. But a private teacher needs one to be very patient and stay at home for a long time. So according to your characters and capability, I think it is better for you to be a tour guider as you are very enthusiastic and active. You will enjoy the job and make many friends.

Best wishes.


Dear jenny,
I heard that you want to find a part-time job in vocation. You can't decide to be a tutor or to be a tourist guid. If you want to be a tutor, you should teach the student knowledge, help them with homework, and solve their study problems. If you want to be a tourist guid, you should have a good energy because you need to walk with the tourists. You also need to remember all the details about interests. Making this decision depends on what is your interest and what you want to be in the future. Ask your heart, you will know what you want.

You will help tourists travel to places of interest if you want to be a guide .You will help students with their

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