
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07


general course description:
economic law mainly contains following contents:The basic theory of economic law, The partnership enterprise law, company act, Contract law, industrial property law, consumer protection law,economic arbitration, economic litigation, etc.
teaching goal:
by learning economic law, students can get the hang of the general economic laws and rules which are often applied into regulating economic action, adjusting economic relationship, and which plays an important roal in the stablity of national economic order and social economic life. Also, students can learn the mental essence of laws and rules and rightly use these rules through learning to solve actual problems.
teaching method:economic law is a professional basic course which needs more practice, adopting lecturing, discussing,case,moot court as well as multimedia way.

With the utilization of the basic concept andoperation of VisualFoxPro, this course systematically introduces the functionsof relational database management system and methods of data processing, accompaniedby a simple living example using teaching management system.

Objectives of the course:
Through this course, students can :
acquire the basic knowledge and applicationof visual database;
master the basic method of operation of thedatabase management system;
learn installation, characteristics, technicalindexes of the system;
design database, edit and search from records;
Carry out data statistics and reportproduction;
Become proficient in programming and cansolve practical problems;
Attain proficiencyin SQL language, and in various operations using SQL language; Skillfully use form designer to design forms, and menu designer to design the menu.

Ultimately, students should be able to usethe knowledge acquired in this course to design some practical managementprogram.

Teaching methods:
Teach in classroom as the main form, supplementedby teaching with students’ access to computers, combined with homeworkassigning, testing, discussion, answering questions.
Classroom teaching will be carried out with auxiliarymultimedia teaching, for making full use of its intuitiveness, dynamics, repeatability, large information, multiplication with graphics, written language, sound, pictures,et cetera, and supplemented with. When teaching in computer classroom, everyone have access to a computer toindividual experiment. Each finished chapter with be curtained with written assignments, computer practice orquestions to be answered.


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