
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

Internal control system is the footstone of healthy and orderly development of enterprise. As an advanced internal management method, it has been widely adopted. It plays a bigger role in the modern economy.Its perfection and execution determine the wax and wane of an enterprise. This text summerizing relevant books and articles discusses the development, the problems and the perfection of internal control system.





In consumer culture, brand becomes an approache to self-expression and identification of the social status, and can inspire people's energy on desire without limits.

1, Nowadays the consumer culture is the world ruled by the brand. The brand has unlimited value, and to some degree, it is the comination of social, cultural and consumption, as well as the combination of ideas, feelings, and desires.

2, Consumer's behavior is always the irrational pursues to certain brand. Even during the rational purchase, it is always the target to pursue brand. The influence of social and culture on consumers' behavior always reflected by the influence of brand.

3, This is because the brand not only reflected the identity of goods or shops, but also, in consumers' opinion, reflected the identity of themselves, and is the expression and achivement of self-value.

4, As a result of the above characteristics, the convinces strength of brand, in fact has became the inner positive self-convincing for consumers, rather than the external negative persuasion.


In consumer culture, brand become people "self-expression" and identity, have no desire to arouse people's energy.
1, contemporary consumption culture is the rule of the world brand. The value of brand has a limit. To a certain extent, the brand is the social, cultural and consumption is a combination of ideas, feelings, and desires combination.
2 and consumer behavior often for a brand of irrational followed. Even in the rational purchasing behavior, the pursuit of brand often as a guide action will target. Social and cultural influence on consumers' behavior as brand influence.
3 and this is due to the brand is more than goods or the identity of the business, but that is oneself by consumers, is the identity of the expression and realize self-worth.
4, because the characteristics, the brand that will convince strength, consumers from external was persuaded to transform the initiative to become the inner self.

In the expense culture, the brand becomes the people “the self-expression” and the status approval method, will have without limits forever will stimulate the people desire the energy.
1, the contemporary expense culture is the brand rule world. The brand has the having no bound value. Said from some kind of degree that the brand is social, cultural and the expense marriage, is the ideological concept, the emotion desire marriage.
2, consumer's behavior displays non-rationally frequently for pursues regarding some brand admires. Even if in the rational purchase behavior, the pursue name brand frequently takes one motion goal which has the will to guide. Society and culture regarding consumer behavior influence concentrated expression for brand influence.
3, this is because the brand continues is the commodity or business's status performance, is by the consumer was thought that is own status performance, is the self-value expression and realizes.
4, as a result of the above characteristic, the brand convinces the strength, in fact from external is transformed into the consumer by the persuasive intrinsic initiative to self-convincing.

I don't Know

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