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寿命长的弓形混凝土桥,钢缆斜拉桥(比方说路易斯安那的hale boggs桥以及福罗里达的sunshine skyway桥),还有如马里兰的fort mchenry或者华盛顿的bakerin这样的地下隧道,在国家巨大物理成就下迅猛发展。在各州间的项目中发展起来的的交通管理系统和建筑工序设计很快影响了全球高速公路的建设和城市交通模式的进步。



The right to self-defense is a natural right of countries, as well as all countries to respect other country's sovereignty and territorial general obligation exception. The United States an excuse to exercise its right of self-defense against Iraq and the war on the existing United Nations system of collective security and on the right of self-defense the conditions for the challenge. His behavior is inconsistent with existing international law. However, as modern military technology of rapid development, the threat of force has become a national security implications of the potential danger. It is necessary for the right to self-defense in conditions appropriate to expand and better protect the country's security. And the creation of conditions for this time of the United Nations collective security framework, in order to prevent the national rights of this abuse. Since the "9-11" incident, the United States abandoned since the Cold War period starting on the policy of "deterrence" and a "containment" strategy, turn started very offensive and aggressive "pre-emptive" strategy, successively in Afghanistan and Iraq launched the war and the overthrow of the Taliban and Saddam regime and allegedly wanted for terrorism in the end of terrorism and to provide asylum countries to resolutely combat. U.S. strategic policy change has not only exacerbated the turmoil in the world, a threat to world peace, while its right to national self-defense theory, the treaty's extension and abuse, serious distortion of the "United Nations Charter," which related to the right to national self-defense as the meaning, constitute the norms of international law on the huge impact and challenges. This paper from the United States the "preemptive strategy" of the formation and development proceed, It discussed the basic problems and other responsibilities associated with the distinction between countries of the right to self-defense theory of history. important, The international community accepted the theory and history of the United States on the theory of "alternative" - "preemptive strategy" of, in-depth understanding of the meaning of the right to national self-defense, the United States and explore the "preemptive strategy" substantive. with detailed historical data reveals the United States "pioneer OFFICER strategy, "the intention behind it, the disclosure of the dark side of the theory.

The right of self-defense is a national natural right, also is allcountries respects other country territorial sovereignties the generalvoluntary exception.
The American excuse exercises the right ofself-defense but the war which starts to Iraq is to the extant UnitedNations collective security system and about the right of self-defenseimplementation condition challenge.
Its behavior violates the presentinternational law.
But, as a result of the modern military science andtechnology high speed development, the military force threat alsobecomes affects a national security the potential hazard.
Thus has thenecessity in the right of self-defense condition the suitableexpansion, a better local constable protects national the securityright.
But in establishes this condition time must in United Nations'scollective security frame, prevents the related national regardingthis right abusing.
Since "9-11" the event, US gave up theself-cooling war time gets up carries out "the deterrent" Canada "thecontainment" the strategy, transfers starts to implement the extremelyrich aggressivity and aggressive "makes first move and gets control"the strategy, successively has started the war to Afghanistan andIraq, has overthrown Taliban and the Saddam regime, and declared mustinstead fear carries through to the end, and provides the asylum tothe terrorism for it the country to give the firm attack.
US thisstrategic concept change, not only intensified the world turbulence,threatened the world peace, simultaneously it to the national right ofself-defense theory, the treaty expanded and abuses, seriously hasmisinterpreted "the Charter of the United Nations" center the nationalright of self-defense correlation content meaning, constituted to theinternational standards huge impact and the challenge. This article"makes first move and gets control the strategy" from US the formationand the development begins, to discuss its basic issue and with othercorrelation responsibilities differences, through to the nationalright of self-defense theory research history, the important content,the international society accepts this theory the course and US "areaccommodating" to this theory - "makes first move and gets control thestrategy" the discussion, thoroughly understood what country right ofself-defense and did inquire into US "makes first move and getscontrol the strategy" the essence Promulgates US by the exhaustivehistorical data "to make first move and get control the strategy" thebehind intention, discloses this theory the dark side

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