
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

OUr compnay will arrange a beautiful yong girl as your guide to tour around Shanghai with you. She's pretty humorous, friendly and easy-going. In your tour,you will have lots of fun with her and never feel bored. She's a local Shanghainese,very familiar with Shanghai,and she's very good at guiding.With her,you will enjoy your holiday here and I hope everyone can listen to her guidance. Enjoy your stay!

National System, it has received better protection, with adequate food, population growth gradually, all aspects of growing demand for the development of enterprises, and a variety of products out on the production!

第一句,苏幼薇,写得很好,只是 hardly studied 和 studied hardly 的意思很不一样。

hardly studied 是不念书,从来不用功的意思
studied hardly 是很念书,很用功念书的意思

1.I don't know whether our country 's education fits for present status, however,there are indeed many disadvantages in it. Take college entrance examination for example, the students studied hardly/diligently for many years, but their destinies are determined by just (a piece of paper/an exam), it's too inhumane.

我比较喜欢 The education in China,因为在国外也有中国人。我的理解是中国国家的教育,所以 The education in China. 另外,apply theory into practice 就是你说的《把书本上的东西合理的运用到现实当中去》。在英语,这是很常用的一个 phrase. apply 比 use 更生动

2. The education in China, in many ways, is focusing on aquiring knowledge, but it always ignores the importance of practice. Oftentimes, we should apply (what we learned from book/theory) into practice. Otherwise, it doesn't matter how much you studied, it would be useless.

1.Actually, I wonder whether the Chinese education is suitable for our country 's basice condition,however,the Chinese education is exsiting many disadvantage.As far as the college enterance exam is concerned, the student 's fortune is just up to one exam paper,who have put up with hardships for 10 years to study preparing the exam. that's not a humanization phenomenon.
2.The Chinese education is usually focus on intellective development in many aspects, and negelect the importance of practice. but too often we should practice with the knowlege on our daily life,otherwise,there is no need to read!


1.I don't know whether our country 's education fits for present status, however,there are indeed many disadvantages in it.Take college entrance examination for example, the students hardly studied for many years,but their are destiny just determined by a piece of paper or an exam, it's too inhumane.

2.Chinese education,in many ways,is focusing on intelligence exploration,but always ignores the importance of practice.And in much more time, we should reasonably use what we learned from book into reality, besides this,it would be useless, though you read thousands of books.

1, I do not know whether China's education is suited to China's national conditions, China's education, however there are many drawbacks, for example the case of college entrance examination, students put up with all kinds has struggled for 10 years, was a paper, decided after an examination of the way, this is very humane.

2, Many aspects of China's education is focused on intellectual development above, it often overlooked the importance of practice, and more often, what we need is something on the books used in a reasonable manner to the reality, or even if you read more book is useless!

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