
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02
hehe,base on what i think there r 3 point are most important for successful teamwork.
1.Team leadership
a good leader always provide the right direction for the team.
leaders provide training, coaching and counselling their team
members to high standards of performance in order to extert everyone's skills. they also be able to find the members potential ability or skills by encouraging.
2. Communication: munication is a method that allows exchange information between sender and receiver. Whether the munications is effective, the receiver understands the information and give the feedback is depend on sender’s munication skills. Normally different ppl have different perception, they may receive same message in different way. therefore, exchange information between team members, ensure they understand what is the goal or objective of pany, so it not only help pany to use resource effective and efficiency, but also caltivated the good working relationship.
3.knowledge sharing
there are 2 types of knowledge, the knowledge (explicit-knowledge), experiences (tacit-knowledge).
every team require different ppl with different knowledge or experience to benefit the team in different perspective. if they willing to sahre the knowledge to other team member , such as their knowledge or experience on their own success or failue, discuss about their opinion... in the short term, it may help the pany to achieve the goal, but in the long term, the synergy working relatonship could make them trust each other and be able to take a big project.

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