
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-15

3.育儿嫂/育婴嫂:baby-nursing woman
4.月嫂:monthly nurse
5.小时工/钟点工:workers by the hour

民间金融 nongovernmental finance
内在冲动 internal impulsion
民间资本 nongovernmental capital
地下钱庄 underground bank
监管 regulation

1.校长办公室---The principal's office
2.副校长办公室----the assistant principal's office
3.党政办公室---party leaders' office
4.团队办公室---- office of communist youth league
5.会议室---conference room
6.德育处----guidance couselor's office
7.教导处---dean's office
8.总务处---general office
9.财务处----accounting department
10.保管室---storeage room
11.保卫处----security guard's office
12.收发室--- mailroom
13.微机室 ---computer room
15.多功能活动室----multi-activity room
16.档案室----file room
17.打印室----printing oom
18.广播室---Braodcasting room
19.阶梯教室 ---staircase classroom
20.教师办公室 ----teacher's room/teacher's office
21.教务处----Teaching department

1.Headmaster Office
2.Deputy Headmaster Office
3.The Paty Office
4.Team Office
5.Meeting Office
6.Moral Education Office
7.Teching Directing Office
8.Office of General Services
9.Finacial Office
10.Keeping Office
11.Safeguard Office
12.Mail Room
13.Computer Room
15.Multi-function Activity Room
16.Archives Office
17.Printing Room
18.Broadcasting Room
19.Step Class Room
21.Dean's Office

1. President's Office
2. Vice-President's Office
3. Office of CPC Affairs
4. Team Office
5. Conference Room
6. Office of Moral Education
7. Office of Educational Instruction
8. Office of General Services
9. Office of Finance
11.Security Office
12.Reception Office
13.Computer Room
15.Multifunction Activity Center
16.Document & File Room
17.Printing Room
18.Announcement Office
19.Lecture Theatre
20.Teachers' Office
21.Office of Educational Administration

headmaster 校长:headmistress 女校长
deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长
21,dean 教务长

1. Principal office
2. Assistant director office
3. Party politics office
4. Team office
5. Conference room
6. Moral education place
7. Guidance place
8. General affairs office
9. Financial division
10. Storeroom
11. Security office
12. Message center
13. Microcomputer room
14. Library
15. Multi-purpose active room
16. Archive office
17. Printing room
18. Broadcasting studio
19. Lecture amphitheater
20. Teacher office
21. School administration office

  • 几个名词翻译成英文 要专业一点儿的 谢谢 在线等
    答:1. 业务员 ---Salesman 2. 跟单员 ---Merchandiser 3. 客户投诉受理员 ---The man to handle the customer complaint 4. 客户服务员 ---The man to serve the customer 5.前端技术研发人员 ---R&D staff for high technology
  • 求几个英语名词的翻译?
    答:Grow the north 坡 of white mountain, grow the city of 影 century, false and full imperial palace, seize the building of 熙 , the fog 凇 in Jilin, the memorial park of 靖宇 , to the sea
  • 几个专业名词的英文翻译。高手来帮下忙!~
    答:labour service development 劳务开发 migrant workers job 农民工工作 ratification 追认 cite posthumously write down afterwards 追记 posthumously awarded tasks and revolutionary martyrs 追授任务和革命烈士
  • 求以下词语的几种翻译。
    答:绝色 peerlessly beautiful 温润 这个不知道怎么翻...应该用 soft 就行~倾城 extremely beautiful 其实和上面绝色差不多...芙蓉 lotus 这个词的形容词意思是 贪图安乐的 重生 renascence 但是我觉得 reborn 也行 风华绝代 都是指漂亮吧 前面的绝色 倾城都可以的~~~中世纪英语 English of...
  • 各位麻烦帮我翻译以下几个名词行吗?
    答:指甲钳:nail clippers 耳挖:curette 或earpick 不好意思,就会这俩
  • 帮我翻译几个英语名词
    答:emergency department 急诊部 the Health Education department/authority 健教部 medical department 内科 surgical department外科 in-patient department住院部 toll hall/charging Office收费大厅
  • 帮忙用英语翻译几个专有名词~~
    答:1.月坛公园 Yuetan Park 2.中国书画函授大学 Correspondence College of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy 3.琉璃厂 Coloured Glaze Factory
  • 哪位可正确翻译这些专用名词,请将中文一一对应写在英文旁边
    答:粘结剂页 顶级写字楼 工艺品和高层办公 贴纸 相纸 摄影&标签 纸世界 艺术工艺 画布与颜料 艺术材料 回到学校 艺术涂料 大屏幕 的Wap文具 笔集
  • 高分求几个名词的翻译:羊腰背肉,羊腱子,鱼排,牛尾,牛排罐头
    答:羊腰背肉: Lamb Sirloin 羊腱子: Lamb calf 鱼排: Fish fillet 牛尾: Ox tail 牛排罐头:Canned beef steak
  • 这几个名词翻译成英文怎么说
    答:扭蛋 Siwan 手办 models 食玩 Office