
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06


WHEN you think of cats, the lovely Hello Kitty must come to your mind quickly.

People are crazy about her cute look.

Hello Kitty was born in 1974 .

Janpanese artist lkuko Shimizu created her first as a cartoon character .

Helle Kitty is as tall as five apples .

She is kind , friendly and cute .

Ten years after her birth the cat became a famous character in Japan .

You can see her on everything from shoes to phones .

Hello Kitty Black Wonder is a bid castle beside Beijing Worker's Stadium .

People can play games to save Hello Kitty anf her friend Dear Daniel .

It's like an adventure .

You will find clues in the castle and finally save the two cats .

What are you waiting for ?

Let's begin .

Hello Kitty Black Wonder
Step 1 : Movie room

When you get into the castle , will see the movie room first .

You can watch a video here .

You get the idea of what you need to do .

You also get some clues .

Step 2 : Kitty's big bedroom

Then you come to Helle Kitty's bedroom .

There is a pair of slippers - they are huge !

Someone put a spell on the room .

Everything in the room is much bigger than usual .

In this room , you'll find more clues .

Step 3 : Answer room

The third place you go to is the Answer room .

There are some machines .

These will be some questions on the screens .

The clues you have will help you answer the questions .

If you give all the right answers, you can get a black symbol .

Keep it !

It is important .

Step 4 : Art gallery

Use your black symbol in the gallery .

You'll get a letter .

Remember it .

After you go to all the places in the castle you will have five letters .

Put these letters in the right order .

You can find the password to save Kitty and Daniel .

He is a little white gourd living in the vegetables kingdom. He doesn't like sports and have low sports score. The vegetables kingdom is holding a sports contest. He gets magic power from a tin of Lucky Star and then becomes one of the smartest vegetable. His vanity removes him from his friends. After self-reflection he decides to join the contest by his own effort with his friends and aquires champion.
He tells me that score achieved by opportunism can not make me happy. We must believe ourselves and work hard to be successful. 纯手工翻译~

He was a small vegetable kingdom melon. He is a child does not love sports, sports performance has been poor. Vegetable Kingdom of upcoming sports events, but he has by virtue of a can of Lucky Star won the power of magic, becoming one of the most powerful vegetables. Vanity made him away from his friends. After reflection, he finally decided to adopt their own efforts, and his friends face the competition, won the championship.
He made me understand that relying on opportunistic access to the results will not give that brings you happiness, we only believe, and constantly strive to achieve real success.

看了5个小时没人帮你 好吧 帮帮你

He was a small vegetable kingdom melon. He is a child does not love sports, sports performance has been poor. Vegetable Kingdom of upcoming sports events, but he has by virtue of a can of Lucky Star won the power of magic, becoming one of the most powerful vegetables. Vanity made him away from his friends. After reflection, he finally decided to adopt their own efforts, and his friends face the competition, won the championship.
He made me understand that relying on opportunistic access to the results will not give that brings you happiness, we only believe, and constantly strive to achieve real success.

He is a little wax gourd in the kingdom of vegetables. He doesn't like sports and his exercising marks are very poor. The kingdon of vegetables will hold a sports meeting soon. He got surprising power through a bottle of lucky stars and became one of the reputable vegetables. The pride of him makes him far away from his friends. After consideration he decided to face the match with his own efforts, together with his friends.Finally, he got the champion.

He let me know that getting success only by chance can not make me happy. We can only get real success by hard work and believe in ourselves.

He is a small wax gourd vegetable kingdom. He is a love sports, sports scores always very poor. Vegetable kingdoms will organize sports game, but he relies on a star won the magical powers and become one of the most severe vegetables. Vanity is made him away from his friends. After reflection, he finally decided through their own efforts, and his friends face competition, the championship.
He let me know by speculative achieved will not bring you happiness, we only believe in yourself, continuous efforts, to really succeed.

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