
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

were talking,saw;
had told,saw;
was crossing,tripped;
asked,was standing;
was telling,started

修改了下: Public Relations Strategy of Tourism Services Abstract: Tourism is an emerging profession in the economic industry. In economical society of modern commodity, in order for Tourism business to survive and develop, It is essential to establish a good image. Participating in public relation activity enthusiastically, is an important mean to gain public trust, and establish self-image. Currently, increasing traveling agencies are aware that public marketing isn’t fulfilling special request of customers, as this will constantly rise the cost of advertising, yet the influence of each individual commercial is quite minor. Under such circumstances, public relation becomes a relatively high cost-effective promotion tool. Tourism enterprises emerge into development, apply and greatly motivate public relations. This essay is divided into three parts, the first analysing the present status of Tourism of our nation. The second discusses status of Public Relations in Tourism, emphasising the necessity of putting the strategy into practice. And finally, expressing my point of view on the approaches Tourism business made towards launching public relation strategy. Key words: Tourism, Tourism services, Public relations, Tourism image.

sorry for reply you so late!for i went back home only on weekends!
though i spend my birthday in school ,yet i fell good!
i hold a small party with a lot of fun!
how are you doing?

I am sorry to reply you so late.Becouse I did not got back home until weekend.My birthday was celebrated in the school but I felt good.Today I held a small party where there is much fun.
How about you resently?

Thank you very much!
I'm so sorry to reply to you so late because I only go home at weekends.
Although I had my birthday at school, it feels not bad.
I held a mini party today and had a lot of fun.
How are you doing recently?

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