分析这个英语句子:I'm going to England to visit my pen?

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

I come here because I want to learn more English


(I 主语) ('m going to 谓语) (England 宾语) (to visit my penfriend 不定式作目的状语). 



(I 主语) ('m going 谓语) (to England介词短语作地点状语, England 介词宾语) (to visit my penfriend 不定式作目的状语).  我将前往英格兰看望我的笔友


I'm going to England to visit my pen friend.
I主语;'m going to 谓语;England 宾语,to visit my pen宾补。

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