
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

The shortage donot exist to the extent that you say

知识的获取 渠道是多方面的,可以从书本上,可以从课堂上,可以从电脑上,也可以从社会上摄取其精华,使知识得以储备。 星期天的时间可以由自己支配,可以睡觉,可以逛街,也可以旅游。 一双手,可以帮助许多人,可以做许多有意义的事,可以支撑...

The whole country was anxious for peace.
Their plan is good in many ways.
There are four wheels in a car.

the whole world becomes warmer .整个世界变得越来越暖it's the way to school .这是去学校的路i have a pair of shoes with wheels .我有一双带滚轮的鞋

whole: I'd like to travel with you around the whole world.
way: He met Mary on his way home.
wheel: Wheel is a sort of things fixed near the engine.

(whole)You whole house?
(way)Any particular way?
(wheel)This wheel turn twenty percent faster than that wheel.

He ate the whole pie.

Some way, people don't like dogs.

This car has six wheels.

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