
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-20

This summer the children drowning incidents, the government attaches great importance to. Student drowning not trivial, in monk kindling, as parents, charge children don't go to remote dam. The school also must complete a series of protection work, with the parents to prevent the occurrence of such events. We students, to enhance ego to protect ability, safety protection consciousness. Now is the summer, although the weather is hot, but we don't go to the dam or pond。

If someone becomes the victim of a near-drowning (心脏未停搏则称,否则为溺死), this fast-action rescue plan can prevent a tragedy.
Your first priority is to get the drowning person out of the water as quickly as possible. If he isn't breathing, place him on his back on a firm surface. Immediately begin rescue breathing(人工呼吸), and have someone call for help at the same time.. Don't assume it's too late to save a someone's life -- even if he's unresponsive, continue performing CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and do not stop until medical professionals take over.............

If someone becomes the victim of a near-drowning (心脏未停搏则称,否则为溺死), this fast-action rescue plan can prevent a tragedy.
Your first priority is to get the drowning person out of the water as quickly as possible. If he isn't breathing, place him on his back on a firm surface. Immediately begin rescue breathing(人工呼吸), and have someone call for help at the same time.. Don't assume it's too late to save a someone's life -- even if he's unresponsive, continue performing CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and do not stop until medical professionals take over.............

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