
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-20

My name is li hua, and the most impressive thing of my life came to my life yesterday. When I walked near by a lake with my friend, he was falling into the lake, and I was so worried. I did't know how to swim, but I had to save my friend's live. I was shouting and asking someone to help. After that, the most impressive thing happened which was a young solder that jump into the lake without thinking, swimmed to the palace where my friend were, and got him out of the lake. After the young solder checked if there was nothing wrong with my friend, he went away. In conclusion, this young solder is the one who i respect a lot!

Frist aid
It is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his/her breathing


First Aid for Drowning
If someone becomes the victim of a near-drowning (心脏未停搏则称溺水,否则为溺死), this fast-action rescue plan can prevent a tragedy.
Your first priority is to get the drowning person out of the water as quickly as possible. If he isn't breathing, place him on his back on a firm surface. Immediately begin rescue breathing(人工呼吸), and have someone call for help at the same time.. Don't assume it's too late to save a someone's life -- even if he's unresponsive, continue performing CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺复苏) and do not stop until medical professionals take over.


First aid for drowning
The wet clothes should be removed immediately and the person should be kept warm by covering with a blanket. The patient's face should be turned down to one side and his arms stretched above his head. The water should be drained out of the lungs by raising the middle part of the body. Mouth to mouth artificial respiration should be given if the breathing is slow or absent. Once he starts breathing, he should be kept warm by a blanket and then shifted to a hospital.


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