
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-27

My ideal is to have a nurse certificate via its qualification exams.


My dream is to become a good nurse.

I am dreaming to be a good nurse.

My dream is to be a good nurse.

My ideal is to be an excellent nurse.

My dream is to be a good nurse

  • 我的理想是当一个好的护士用英文怎么说
    答:My dream is to become a good nurse.
  • 我的理想是当一名护士怎么翻译
    答:My ambition is to be a nurse
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    答:《我的梦想》我的梦想是做一名护士 英语作文并且有汉语翻译, 我的梦想护士英语作文 I am a student in a middle school now.Everyone in my class has a dream,including me. My dream is to be a nurse because I think nurse is a great job . People call nuses "angles wearing white"...
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    答:理想是人生路途上的指路明灯,一个人有了奋斗的目标,才会有前进的方向和动力。我也有理想,我的理想是当一名护士...Every time I think of it, the scene deeply engraved in my mind will come to my eyes: that day, I was very uncomfortable, dizzy, sweating and shivering. When my mothe...
  • 我的理想职业 护士那类的 英语作文带翻译
    答:too,then I can read medical knowledges in English and the patients from all over the world can get my helps.翻译:我是一个14岁的男孩,是一名中学生.尽管我们现在都是学生,但我相信每个人都能够说出在将来他或者她的理想工作.我的理想是做一名医生.我想作一名著名的医生.我喜欢帮助病人,让...
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    答:我的理想工作英文如下:my ideal job 工作职业的英文单词有:Worker(工人)、 fireman(消防员)、doctor(医生)、 nurse(护士)、 cook(厨师)、driver(司机)、singer(歌手)、dispatcher (快递员)、guardian (保安)。worker:n 工人;劳动者;职蚁。
  • 急求一个英语作文是关于护士的题目是我的理想
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  • 我的理想翻译成英语
    答:Little time, I want to be president Why? Because the singer wore beautifully.When the star you want now?Do not want the.Why?Because I sing do not sing wellDavid, you have quite a president? Do not want to, because only one person to be president Well, since you want to ...
  • 我的理想是考到护士资格证英语怎么讲
    答:对应的英语:My ideal is to have a nurse certificate via its qualification exams.
  • 我的理想是当护士作文
    答:我的理想是当护士作文 篇1 我从小志愿当一名护士,当一名合格的护士,用自己的爱心和汗水去关心呵护每一位病人,这就是我的理想。 我深深地记得,自己第一次喜欢上护士这一职业时,是在四岁的时候:那时正值深夜,我突然发起了高烧,爸妈连忙把我送进了医院。这时,医院只剩下了值班人员。一量我的体温——39摄氏度。