
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

1.The government will put up a new shopping center in the neighborhood.
2.A foolish mistake would bring a lot of involvements to you.
3.He knows the importance of studying from the mistakes.
4.Success can not be measured in terms of money.

The postman always walking every day for a few miles to deliver letters
Pigeons have to know the way home instinct, they are used to transfer information
Everyone should conscientiously perform their duties
The trained horse runs much faster than before
although the animals were not smart, they can do a lot of useful work, such as security property, catch criminals, giving the entertainment
if everything goes well, his political career is sustainable for many
Unfortunately, at this time he was seriously wounded in the traffic accident
If you tell your father, he will be very angry
We have to drive through the oldest part of the city, where there are many famous buildings
If the drive to it, we can save a lot of time
Tom is full of hope and joy
If he was too tired, they take turns driving the
The majority of longevity is to eat the homely fare
Although he is not rich, they funded a number of remote and a mountainous area school children
Studies show that regular exercise can promote people's physical and mental health
The water in this region is not contaminated
The experts especially emphasized the importance of protect environment
Drinking a lot of people are more prone to heart disease
She is a famous painter is a talented musician
He aimed at the bottle shooting, but hit the window
I can't understand why she took advantage of my generosity
If you want to sell the old car, I advise you to advertise
She studies hard so as to be able to get a good grade in this exam
Thanks to their help, the problems in the experiment have been solved
Most of the students are not satisfied with the test result
Our school has more than 50 class
Hurry, or you will miss the train
as you know, he is a close friend of mine
I'm sorry. I didn 't mean to hurt you
This book consists of ten chapters
He found it difficult to adapt to the life in the South
We plan to extend the research in this field
According to the forecast, the storm will arrive in north area of our country
They luckily survived the accident
The villagers still follow the women and children sit in the side, and the man to sit on the other side of the old tradition
With the development of modern industry, big family enterprises will be much fewer

1、被烧毁的圆明园该不该重建一事在媒体引发了激烈的讨论。(burn down,media)
Whether or not the burn down Yuanming Yuan should be rebuilt has sparked off an intense discussion in the media.

2、我伯伯本来打算退休后回乡下住,可他改变了主意,决定在城里开家书店,为退休老人提供一个娱乐休闲的场所。(chang one's mind,retire)
My uncle originally planned to retire to the village,however he changed his mind and decided to open a book shop in the town, in order to provide those old retired people a place for entertainment and rest.

3、老百姓都很关心粮油价格上涨的事。(go up,concern)
Common people are concerned about the going up of the price of grain and oil.

4、我知道被人忽视的感觉不好受,但你也不能靠这种怪异的发型引起别人的注意啊!(ignore,draw attention to)
I do understand the feeling of being ignored is not easy to tolerate, but one could not rely on this strange hair style to draw attention from others.

5、她把这件事和其它一些事情联系在一起,意识到有人在她的办公室故意捣乱。(relate to,realise)
She relates this matter to other issues and realises that there are people deliberately causing trouble in her office.
6、他是个很有经验的人,总是受到年轻人的尊敬。(look up to)
Young people always look up to him, as he is a very experienced man

This building has been designed like a bird's nest. Lots of people who have seen the design, reckon it is very meaningful.
This cup of tea tastes very special. Oh! I know why, it seems to have the added taste of honey.

The boat leaving Dalian for Shanghai is departing in ten minutes, the sailors are raising the sail.

10、春节快到了。妈妈想叫人把门油漆一下,于是爸爸买来了最好的漆。(paint)Spring Festival is coming soon. Mother (Mum) to get someone to paint the door(s), so father (Dad) has bought the best quality paint.

I have no intention to have a family before I have established a business ( embarked on a career).

Just quietly get out through the back door, and nobody would notice your absence.

Someone saw the driver fled from the scene of accident after the incident has happened.

She buries her head with the pillow, for not wanting family members to see her crying.

My uncle was working at the foot of the mountain when the volcano erupted.

1.Should Old Summer Palace which burns down reconstruct the incident to initiate the intense discussion in the media

2.My uncle after planned originally the retirement returns to the countryside to live, but he changed the mind, decided opens the family bookstore in the city, provides an entertainment leisure for the retired old person the place.

3.The common people all very much care about the cooking oil rise in price the matter.





1, the circle Brilliant Garden being destroyed by fire shoulded rebuild one matter to cause the discussion of vehemence in the medium.(Burn down, media)
2, my uncle originally intended retire behind returned to country live, can he changed idea, decided open a bookstore in the city, for retire the place that the old man provides an amusement recreation.(Chang one's mind, retire)
3, the common peoples all concern a food oil price very much the space soars of matter.(Go up, concern)
4, I know to be been not pleasurable by the felling for neglecting, but you can not be caused the other people's attention by this kind of weird hair style, either!(Ignore, draw attention to)
5, she contacts this matter and a little bit other affairs together and realizes that someone intentionally causes disturbance in her office.(Relate to, realise)
6, he is a rich in experience person, always be subjected to high regard of the young man.(Look up to)
7, this building design must good elephant is a nest.A lot of persons who once saw all think this that designing is very interesting.(Design)
8, this cup tea drink very specially., I knew and seemed to grow honey flavor at in.(Taste)
9, from Dalian left for the ship of Shanghai a clock empress pretty much will Qi sail, the sailors are rising Fan.(Sail)
10, the Chinese New Year shall arrive soon.The mother wants to call the person to guard a gate a paint once, hence father bought the best paint.(Paint)
11, before doing not establish a career, I don't intend into a house.(Intention)
12, you silently go out from the back door, no one will notice you not at.(Absence)
13, after trouble take place, someone sees the driver escape a cause the spot.(Flee)
14, she covers up head in the pillow, don't wish to make her cry.(Bury)
15, the volcano erupt my uncle is doing to live under the foot of a hill.(Erupt)

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