
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

还没有人完全答对的,大家都是一半一半。楼主先听我说sleep it off,它的意思就是通过睡觉来恢复疲劳,缓解疼痛忧愁的意思。比如说
要期中考试了,John 和 Flevy 在一起复习功课,John忽然头痛起来……

John: I have a bad headache. It's killing me!

Flevy: Oh! You look terrible! Shall I call the doctor?

John: No, there is no need to do so. Thank you anyway.

Flevy: Then sleep it off! I'm sure you will be good soon.
考拉熊used to night activities所以白天就是他们的休息时间他们就很累,于是想sleep it off,通过睡觉来恢复精神和元气。说白了就是sleep the tiredness off(把疲惫睡掉)

All the koalas there are unhappy and complaining.you would be,too,if you 。。。
其实这里就是省略了would be后面的unhappy and complaining,因为英语不喜欢重复所以这里直接去掉了,是符合语法的,只是大家因为看是too是连着前面的就把too理解为“太”的意思,其实这里是“也是”的意思。
例子:you like him? I like him, too.

The researchers analyzed the think-aloud protocols by means of an interpretive method derived from hermeneutics and modified to include sequential iterations among multiple investigators. This methodology was dictated by the nature of our research question and responds to the call for rigorous postmodern organizational research and for hermeneutic investigations of interpersonal psychology.

Specifically, the three principal researchers pursued a hermeneutic approach to interpretation based on sequential refinement of the analysis through multiauthorial dialogue. Each researcher began by producing an independent reading of the team protocols. All three then engaged in a group session to negotiate a tentative collective reading. Here, we converged on an overall interpretation of the texts consistent with a framework grounded in mythic content.

At this stage, it might have been possible to pursue some other analytic scheme, such as a focus on the use of metaphors, a decoding of implicit allegorical content, structural semiotic comparisons, gender stereotypes or a psychoanalytic interpretation. However, it appeared to us that, as a starting point for subsequent refinement, the dominant themes contained in the team protocols corresponded to categories suggested by the four mythic orientations of Frye's taxonomic scheme and later used in advertising research.

Thus, we adopted Frye's taxonomy as the basis for a tentative preliminary overall interpretation subject to further adjustment through the back-and-forth process characteristic of the hermeneutic circle wherein an initial overall reading is "tested" against detailed evidence from a close reading of the text, potentially falsified, revised accordingly, further subjected to detailed scrutiny, further refined, and so on, in an unfolding sequence of self-corrective elaboration.


1 above - below
2 after - before
3 always--never
4 ask - answer
5 At night—in the daytime
6 back - front
7 bad - good
8 behind--in front of
9 big - small
10 black—white
11 borrow - lend
12 borrow—give---back
13 bring-take
14 Busy- free
15 buy - sell
16 cheap - dear / expensive
17 clean - dirty
18 clever - foolish
19 come - go
20 cool - warm
21 cry - laugh
22 dangerous--safe
23 dark - bright / light
24 different - same
25 down - up
26 dry - wet
27 easy - hard / difficult
28 far - near
29 few--many
30 finish--begin(start)
31 forget - remember
32 from---to
33 full--hungry(empty)
34 give---take
35 happy--sad
36 hate - like / love
37 heavy - light
38 here - there
39 high - low
40 hot - cold
41 ill - well
42 in—out
43 inside--outside
44 into--out of
45 last--first
46 late - early
47 learn-teach
48 leave-stay
49 left - right
50 like--unlike
51 little---much
52 long--short
53 Lost-found
54 move--stay
55 new - old
56 noisy - quiet
57 open—close/closed
58 plus - minus
59 poor--rich
60 pull - push
61 put on--take off
62 quick--slow
63 rich - poor
64 right---wrong
65 safe - dangerous
66 short—tall/high
67 sit down---stand up
68 sit(座)—stand
69 sleep - wake
70 slow - fast
71 strong - weak
72 tall – short
73 these—those
74 thin - fat / thick
75 this—that
76 upstairs - downstairs
77 wake up--go to sleep
78 work--rest
79 yes—no
80 young - old
1 almost — nearly 几乎;差不多
2 aloud---loud大声的
3 around — near, by 在周围
4 arrive at / in — reach , get to 到达
5 at last---in the end最后;结束
6 bad — ill, wrong 坏的;错的
7 begin — start 开始
8 beside —near, next to 在……旁边;附近
9 bright — sunny, shining 晴朗的
10 bright---clever聪明的
11 by air---by plane乘飞机
12 centre — middle 中间
13 certainly---of course当然可以
14 clever — bright 聪明的
15 common — usual 普通的;通常的
16 dear — expensive 昂贵的
17 difficult — hard 困难的;艰巨的
18 easy — simple 容易的;简单的
19 enjoy oneself-have a good time过得愉快
20 enjoyable — pleasant 有乐趣的;使人快乐的
21 enjoy---like 喜欢
22 every---each每个
23 fail — miss, lose 失败;丧失
24 famous — well-known 著名的
25 fine — good, nice 好的;优的
26 following — next 以下的
27 friendly — kind 友好的
28 glad — happy, pleased 愉快的;高兴的
29 go — leave 离去;离开
30 have a cold---catch a cold患感冒
31 have to---must必须
32 healthy — fine, well 健康的
33 helpful — useful 有益的;有用的
34 high---tall 高的
35 hope — wish, want 希望;想要
36 ill — sick 生病的
37 job---work 工作
38 journey — travel, trip 旅行;旅途
39 know — understand 懂得;理解
40 large---big大的
41 laugh — smile 笑
42 learn---study 学习
43 like — enjoy, love 喜欢;热爱
44 look after---take care of照顾;照看
45 lose---miss丢失;错过
46 maybe — perhaps 可能;大概
47 nobody---none 没有人
48 OK — fine, all right 好吧;行
49 problem — question, puzzle 问题
50 quick---fast快
51 quite---very 十分
52 real — true 真正的;真实的
53 ring — call, telephone 打电话
54 sad — unhappy, sorry 悲伤的;难过的
55 say — speak, talk, tell 说话
56 several---a few个别的;几个
57 shout — cry, call 叫喊
58 small---little 小的
59 start---begin 开始
60 sure---certain 当然
61 too---also也
62 trouble---worry打扰;担忧
63 true-real 真的
64 very — quite, rather 非常;相当
65 whether — if 是否
1 I--eye
2 son--sun
3 meat--meet
4 right--write
5 for--four
6 father--farther
7 no--know
8 here--hear
9 wear--where
10 new--knew
11 our--hour
12 there--their
13 past--passed
14 ours--hours
15 ah--are
16 aren't--aunt
17 ate--eight
18 who's--whose
19 by-bye--buy
20 hi--high
21 pear-pair
22 knows--nose
23 read--red
24 to--too--two
25 weak--week
26 its--it's
1 care careful
2 cloud cloudy
3 danger dangerous
4 difference different
5 fool foolish
6 friend friendly
7 health healthy
8 help helpful
9 luck lucky
10 noise noisy
11 rain rainy
12 sleep asleep
13 sun sunny
14 thank thankful
15 use useful
16 wind windy
1 fill full
2 forget forgetful
3 interest interesting
4 please pleased(pleasant)
5 save safe
6 worry worried
1 clean cleaner
2 drive driver
3 farm farmer
4 foreign foreigner
5 play player
6 read reader
7 run runner
8 sing singer
9 speak speaker
10 teach teacher
11 think thinker
12 travel traveller
13 visit visitor
14 wait waiter
15 win winner
16 work worker
17 write writer
1 bad badly
2 beautiful beautifully
3 careful carefully
4 certain certainly
5 clear clearly
6 easy easily
7 full fully
8 happy happily
9 heavy heavily
10 kind kindly
11 loud loudly
12 near nearly
13 noisy noisily
14 quick quickly
15 quiet quietly
16 real really
17 safe safely
18 slow slowly
19 sudden suddenly
20 usual usually
1 happy unhappy
2 true untrue
3 usual unusual
4 like unlike
1 are not aren’t
2 can not can’t
3 did not didn’t
4 do not don’t
5 does not doesn’t
6 he is he’s
7 he would he’d
8 how is how’s
9 I am I’m
10 I would I’d
11 Is not Isn’t
12 It is It’s
13 let us let’s
14 name is name’s
15 number No.
16 She is She’s
17 that is that’s
18 they are they’re
19 was not wasn’t
20 what is what’s
1 One First
2 Two Second
3 Three Third
4 Four fourth
5 Five fifth
6 Six Sixth
7 Seven Seventh
8 Eight Eighth
9 Nine Ninth
10 Ten Tenth
11 Eleven Eleventh
12 twelve Twelfth
13 Thirteen Thirteenth
14 Fourteen Fourteenth
15 Fifteen Fifteenth
16 Sixteen Sixteenth
17 Seventeen Seventeenth
18 Eighteen Eighteenth
19 nineteen Nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
21 Twenty-one Twenty-first
30 thirty Thirtieth


有两个地方可以找到同一份pdf文件,为《Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged》中所有Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms的总和,在:


这是仅次于《Oxford English Dictionary》中的集成。


Borror, D. J. (1960). Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms Compiled from the Greek, Latin, and Other Languages, with Special Reference to Biological Terms and Scientific Names. Palo Alto, CA: N-P Publications; Mayfield Publishing Co.


1 above - below
2 after - before
3 always--never
4 ask - answer
5 At night—in the daytime
6 back - front
7 bad - good
8 behind--in front of
9 big - small
10 black—white
11 borrow - lend
12 borrow—give---back
13 bring-take
14 Busy- free
15 buy - sell
16 cheap - dear / expensive
17 clean - dirty
18 clever - foolish
19 come - go
20 cool - warm
21 cry - laugh
22 dangerous--safe
23 dark - bright / light
24 different - same
25 down - up
26 dry - wet
27 easy - hard / difficult
28 far - near
29 few--many
30 finish--begin(start)
31 forget - remember
32 from---to
33 full--hungry(empty)
34 give---take
35 happy--sad
36 hate - like / love
37 heavy - light
38 here - there
39 high - low
40 hot - cold
41 ill - well
42 in—out
43 inside--outside
44 into--out of
45 last--first
46 late - early
47 learn-teach
48 leave-stay
49 left - right
50 like--unlike
51 little---much
52 long--short
53 Lost-found
54 move--stay
55 new - old
56 noisy - quiet
57 open—close/closed
58 plus - minus
59 poor--rich
60 pull - push
61 put on--take off
62 quick--slow
63 rich - poor
64 right---wrong
65 safe - dangerous
66 short—tall/high
67 sit down---stand up
68 sit(座)—stand
69 sleep - wake
70 slow - fast
71 strong - weak
72 tall – short
73 these—those
74 thin - fat / thick
75 this—that
76 upstairs - downstairs
77 wake up--go to sleep
78 work--rest
79 yes—no
80 young - old
1 almost — nearly 几乎;差不多
2 aloud---loud大声的
3 around — near, by 在周围
4 arrive at / in — reach , get to 到达
5 at last---in the end最后;结束
6 bad — ill, wrong 坏的;错的
7 begin — start 开始
8 beside —near, next to 在……旁边;附近
9 bright — sunny, shining 晴朗的
10 bright---clever聪明的
11 by air---by plane乘飞机
12 centre — middle 中间
13 certainly---of course当然可以
14 clever — bright 聪明的
15 common — usual 普通的;通常的
16 dear — expensive 昂贵的
17 difficult — hard 困难的;艰巨的
18 easy — simple 容易的;简单的
19 enjoy oneself-have a good time过得愉快
20 enjoyable — pleasant 有乐趣的;使人快乐的
21 enjoy---like 喜欢
22 every---each每个
23 fail — miss, lose 失败;丧失
24 famous — well-known 著名的
25 fine — good, nice 好的;优的
26 following — next 以下的
27 friendly — kind 友好的
28 glad — happy, pleased 愉快的;高兴的
29 go — leave 离去;离开
30 have a cold---catch a cold患感冒
31 have to---must必须
32 healthy — fine, well 健康的
33 helpful — useful 有益的;有用的
34 high---tall 高的
35 hope — wish, want 希望;想要
36 ill — sick 生病的
37 job---work 工作
38 journey — travel, trip 旅行;旅途
39 know — understand 懂得;理解
40 large---big大的
41 laugh — smile 笑
42 learn---study 学习
43 like — enjoy, love 喜欢;热爱
44 look after---take care of照顾;照看
45 lose---miss丢失;错过
46 maybe — perhaps 可能;大概
47 nobody---none 没有人
48 OK — fine, all right 好吧;行
49 problem — question, puzzle 问题
50 quick---fast快
51 quite---very 十分
52 real — true 真正的;真实的
53 ring — call, telephone 打电话
54 sad — unhappy, sorry 悲伤的;难过的
55 say — speak, talk, tell 说话
56 several---a few个别的;几个
57 shout — cry, call 叫喊
58 small---little 小的
59 start---begin 开始
60 sure---certain 当然
61 too---also也
62 trouble---worry打扰;担忧
63 true-real 真的
64 very — quite, rather 非常;相当
65 whether — if 是否
1 I--eye
2 son--sun
3 meat--meet
4 right--write
5 for--four
6 father--farther
7 no--know
8 here--hear
9 wear--where
10 new--knew
11 our--hour
12 there--their
13 past--passed
14 ours--hours
15 ah--are
16 aren't--aunt
17 ate--eight
18 who's--whose
19 by-bye--buy
20 hi--high
21 pear-pair
22 knows--nose
23 read--red
24 to--too--two
25 weak--week
26 its--it's
1 care careful
2 cloud cloudy
3 danger dangerous
4 difference different
5 fool foolish
6 friend friendly
7 health healthy
8 help helpful
9 luck lucky
10 noise noisy
11 rain rainy
12 sleep asleep
13 sun sunny
14 thank thankful
15 use useful
16 wind windy
1 fill full
2 forget forgetful
3 interest interesting
4 please pleased(pleasant)
5 save safe
6 worry worried
1 clean cleaner
2 drive driver
3 farm farmer
4 foreign foreigner
5 play player
6 read reader
7 run runner
8 sing singer
9 speak speaker
10 teach teacher
11 think thinker
12 travel traveller
13 visit visitor
14 wait waiter
15 win winner
16 work worker
17 write writer
1 bad badly
2 beautiful beautifully
3 careful carefully
4 certain certainly
5 clear clearly
6 easy easily
7 full fully
8 happy happily
9 heavy heavily
10 kind kindly
11 loud loudly
12 near nearly
13 noisy noisily
14 quick quickly
15 quiet quietly
16 real really
17 safe safely
18 slow slowly
19 sudden suddenly
20 usual usually
1 happy unhappy
2 true untrue
3 usual unusual
4 like unlike
1 are not aren’t
2 can not can’t
3 did not didn’t
4 do not don’t
5 does not doesn’t
6 he is he’s
7 he would he’d
8 how is how’s
9 I am I’m
10 I would I’d
11 Is not Isn’t
12 It is It’s
13 let us let’s
14 name is name’s
15 number No.
16 She is She’s
17 that is that’s
18 they are they’re
19 was not wasn’t
20 what is what’s
1 One First
2 Two Second
3 Three Third
4 Four fourth
5 Five fifth
6 Six Sixth
7 Seven Seventh
8 Eight Eighth
9 Nine Ninth
10 Ten Tenth
11 Eleven Eleventh
12 twelve Twelfth
13 Thirteen Thirteenth
14 Fourteen Fourteenth
15 Fifteen Fifteenth
16 Sixteen Sixteenth
17 Seventeen Seventeenth
18 Eighteen Eighteenth
19 nineteen Nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
21 Twenty-one Twenty-first
30 thirty Thirtieth


有两个地方可以找到同一份pdf文件,为《Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged》中所有Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms的总和,在:


这是仅次于《Oxford English Dictionary》中的集成。


Borror, D. J. (1960). Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms Compiled from the Greek, Latin, and Other Languages, with Special Reference to Biological Terms and Scientific Names. Palo Alto, CA: N-P Publications; Mayfield Publishing Co.



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