
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

Around me, are some of the students, we are being affected by education, fromprimary school to the present, for over twelve years, as the only entrance that two days. China's exam oriented education to every child into a learning machine, just to meet the test time and time again. But there are also a bit lucky, I can sit in the bright classroom reading, but in some areas, the amount of I children have no books to read,sometimes called on people to social care for these children, but these kids when willthink we sat in the bright classroom reading? About education, care for these children,is our responsibility!

Do you parents intervene in your life?

What do you do if you don't study hard?

我想今天本该是一个美好的星期日,我以为我能好好睡一觉,然后做完作业,洗个澡。I think today would have be a beautiful Sunday, I thought I could have a good sleep, and then finish operation, a bath. 没想到,早上却被该死的电话吵醒,数学老师叫我去考试(那是奥数班的考试,但我没有加入奥数班),那根本就是浪费时间,因为我是一个数学白痴。 Unexpectedly, the morning the phone woke been damned, math teacher told me to take a test (which is the Mathematical Olympiad exam classes, but I did not join the Mathematical Olympiad classes), it is simply a waste of time because I am a math idiot. 考试原本是八点半开始,可怜的是我那时才起床,我九点半赶到学校,十点考试就结束。 Test was originally a 8:30 start is a pity that I was then just get up, I went to school 9:30, 10:00 examinations will be closed. 毫无疑问,结局是我考得很糟糕,我被可恶的数学老师训了,他那些刻薄的话我想我一辈子都忘不了。 There is no doubt that the outcome of my test very bad, I was hateful math teacher training, and his words are harsh, I think I'll never forget.

Today was supposed to be a perfect Sunday. I thought I could get a nice sleep and then finish my homework and take a shower afterwards. I never thought that I would be waken up by the damn telephone, my math teacher called me to have a test, it was such a waste of time, because I am total Maths idiot. The test started at 8:30, but poor me only just get up then, it was already 9:30 when I finally arrived at the school and the exam ended at 10. Without any doubt, I did awful at the test. I was then told of by the disgusting maths teacher, I would never forget those acrimonious words in my life.

I think today this is one of the beautiful Sunday, I thought I could have a good sleep, and then finish operation, a bath. Unexpectedly, the morning the phone woke been damned, math teacher told me to take a test (which is the Mathematical Olympiad exam classes, but I did not join the Mathematical Olympiad classes), it is simply a waste of time because I am a math idiot. Test was originally a 8:30 start is a pity that I was then just get up, I went to school 9:30, 10:00 examinations will be closed. There is no doubt that the outcome of my test very bad, I was hateful math teacher training, and his words are harsh, I think I'll never forget.

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  • 帮我把这段话翻译成英文
    答:I think today would have be a beautiful Sunday, I thought I could have a good sleep, and then finish operation, a bath. 没想到,早上却被该死的电话吵醒,数学老师叫我去考试(那是奥数班的考试,但我没有加入奥数班),那根本就是浪费时间,因为我是一个数学白痴。 Unexpectedly, the mo...
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