
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-13

1. 环保话题类 white pollute 白色污染 sustainable development 可持续发展 ecosystem 生态系统 environmental pollution 环境污染 over-fishing (overgrazing) 过度捕捞 (过度放牧) sand storm 沙尘暴 resource exhaustion 资源枯竭 water and soil conservation 水土保持 soil erosion 土壤流失 clear-cutting (deforestation) 滥砍滥伐 desertification 沙漠化 conserve natural resources 保护自然资源 shortage of fresh water 淡水短缺 disruption of ecological balance 生态失衡 natural preservation zone 自然保护区
2. 教育话题类 the craze for graduate school 考研热 surf the internet 网上冲浪 cyberspace 网络空间 inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才 assignment of graduates 毕业生分配 net friend 网友 examination-oriented education 应试教育 teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教 quality-oriented education 素质教育 compulsory education 义务教育 internet bar 网吧 adult (continuing) education 成人教育 distance education 远程教育 campus culture校园文化 two-way selection 双向选择 work-study program 勤工俭学 double degree 双学位 non-resident student 走读生 resident student 寄宿生 extracurricular activities 课外活动 self-taught examination 自学考试 become well-educated through self-study 自学成才 to reduce study load 学生减负 web-addiction 沉湎于上网
3. 社会热点类 Project Hope 希望工程 information revolution 信息革命 jerry-built projects 豆腐渣工程 population explosion 人口爆炸 epidemic disease 传染病 dropout students 失学儿童 laid-off worker 下岗工人 reemployment project 再就业工程 clone technology 克隆技术 migrate laborer 民工 crack down on counterfeit goods / fake products 打假 devalue 贬值 expand domestic demand 扩大内需 state-owned enterprise 国有企业 deflation 通货紧缩 inflation通货膨胀 rechargeable card 冲值卡 Smooth Traffic Project 畅通工程 anti-fake label 防伪标志 poverty alleviation 扶贫 infrastructure construction 基础设施 vicious circle 恶性循环 gender discrimination 性别歧视 psychological quality心理素质 pattern of consumption 消费结构 consumers’ association消费者协会 green food绿色食品 money worship 拜金主意 Olympic committee 奥委会 host city 举办城市 bid for Olympic 申办奥运会

vacant a.空的;未被占用的
vacation n.假期,休假
vacuum n.真空;真空吸尘器
vague a.模糊的,含糊的
vain a.徒劳的;自负的

valid a.有效的;正当的
valley n.(山)谷,溪谷;流域
valuable a.值钱的;有价值的
value n.价值;价格 vt.评价
van n.大篷车,运货车

vanish vi.突然不见,消失
vanity n.虚荣心,虚夸
vapour n.汽,蒸气
variable a.易变的 n.变量
variation n.变化,变动;变异

variety n.多样化;种类;变种
various a.各种各样的,不同的
vary vt.改变;使多样化
vase n.瓶,花瓶

vast a.巨大的;大量的
vegetable n.植物;蔬菜
vehicle n.车辆,机动车
veil n.面纱,面罩;遮蔽物
velocity n.速度,速率

velvet n.丝绒,天鹅绒
venture n.&vi.冒险 vt.敢于
verb n.动词
verify vt.证实,查证;证明
version n.译文;说法;改写本

vertical a.垂直的,竖式的
very ad.很;完全 a.真的
vessel n.容器;船,飞船;管
vest n.汗衫;背心;内衣
veteran n.老兵,老手

vex vt.使烦恼,使恼火
via prep.经过;通过
vibrate vt.使颤动 vi.颤动
vibration n.颤动,振动;摆动
vice n.罪恶;恶习;缺点

vice n.(老)虎钳
victim n.牺牲者,受害者
victorious a.胜利的,得胜的
victory n.胜利,战胜
video a.电视的 n.电视

view n.看;视力;风景
viewpoint n.观点,看法,见解
vigorous a.朝气蓬勃的
village n.乡村,村庄
vine n.葡萄树

vinegar n.醋
violence n.猛烈,激烈;暴力
violent a.猛烈的;狂暴的
violet n.紫罗兰
violin n.小提琴

virtually ad.实际上,事实上
virtue n.善;美德;优点
visible a.可见的,看得见的
vision n.视;想象力;梦幻
visit vt.&n.访问,参观

visitor n.访问者;游客
visual a.看的;看得见的
vital a.生命的;有生命力的
vitamin n.维生素,维他命
vivid a.鲜艳的;生动的

vocabulary n.词汇表;词汇,语汇
voice n.说话声;意见;语态
volcano n.火山
volleyball n.排球,排球运动
volt n.伏特,伏

voltage n.电压
volume n.卷,册;容积;音量
voluntary a.自愿的,志愿的
vote n.选举,投票,表决
voyage n.&vi.航海,航wage n.工资,报酬
wage vt.开展(运动)
waggon n.四轮运货马车
waist n.腰,腰部
wait vi.等,等候 n.等待

waiter n.侍者,服务员
wake vi.醒,醒来 vt.唤醒
waken vi.醒来 vt.弄醒
walk vi.&n.走,步行
wall n.墙,壁,围墙,城墙

wallet n.钱包,皮夹子
wander vi.漫游;迷路;离题
want vt.要 n.需要;缺乏
war n.战争;冲突,斗争
warm a.温暖的;热烈的

warmth n.暖和,温暖;热烈
warn vt.警告 vi.发生警告
wash vt.洗;冲出 vi.洗涤
waste n.浪费;废物;垃圾
watch vt.&vi.观看 n.手表

water n.水 vt.使湿,灌溉
waterfall n.瀑布
waterproof a.不透水的,防水的
wave n.波;波涛 vi.波动
wavelength n.波长

wax n.蜡,蜂蜡
way n.路;路线;方向
we pron.(主格)我们
weak a.弱的;软弱的
weaken vt.削弱 vi.变弱

weakness n.虚弱,软弱;弱点
wealth n.财富,财产;丰富
wealthy a.富的,富裕的
weapon n.武器,兵器
wear vt.穿着,戴;磨损

weary a.疲倦的 vt.使疲乏
weather n.天气
weave vt.织,编 vi.纺织
wedding n.婚礼
Wednesday n.星期三

weed n.杂草,野草 vi.除草
week n.星期,周
weekday n.周日,工作日
weekend n.周末,周末假期
weekly a.每周的 ad.每周

weep vi.哭泣,流泪
weigh vt.称…的重量;掂量
weight n.重;砝码;重担
welcome int.&n.&vt.欢迎
weld vt.&n.焊接,熔接

welfare n.幸福,福利
well n.井
well ad.好;完全地 int.嘿
well-known a.众所周知的,出名的
west n.西;西洋 a.西方的

western a.西方的,西部的
westward a.向西的 ad.向西
wet a.湿的;下雨的
what pron.什么 a.什么
whatever pron.无论什么

wheat n.小麦
wheel n.轮,车轮
when ad.什么时候;当…时
whenever conj.无论何时,每当
where ad.在哪里 pron.哪里

wherever ad.究竟在哪里
whether conj.是否
which pron.哪一个 a.哪一个
whichever a.无论哪个,无论哪些
while conj.当…的时候;而

whilst conj.&n.当…的时候
whip vt.鞭笞;搅打 n.鞭子
whirl vt.使回旋 vi.&n.回旋
whisky n.威士忌酒
whisper vt.低声地讲 vi.低语

whistle n.口哨 vi.吹口哨
white a.白的 n.白色
whitewash vt.粉刷,涂白
who pron.谁;…的人
whoever pron.谁;无论谁

whole a.完整的 n.全部
wholly ad.完全地,全部
whom pron.(宾格)谁
whose pron.谁的;哪个人的
why ad.为什么

wicked a.坏的;令人厌恶的
wide a.宽阔的 ad.全部地
widely ad.广,广泛
widen vt.加宽 vi.变宽
widespread a.分布广的,普遍的

widow n.寡妇
width n.宽阔,广阔;宽度
wife n.妻子
wild a.野生的;野蛮的
will aux.v.将要,会;愿

willing a.愿意的,心甘情愿的
win vi.获胜,赢 vt.赢得
wind n.风;气息,呼吸
wind vt.绕,缠绕 vi.卷曲
window n.窗子,窗户,窗口

wine n.葡萄酒,果酒
wing n.翼,翅膀,翅
winner n.获胜者,优胜者
winter n.冬天,冬季
wipe vt.&n.揩,擦

wire n.金属线;电缆;电信
wireless a.不用电线的,无线的
wisdom n.智慧,才智;名言
wise a.有智慧的,聪明的
wish vt.祝;想要 n.希望

wit n.智力,才智,智能
with prep.和…一起;具有
withdraw vt.收回;撤回vi.撤退
within prep.在…里面
without prep.无,没有,不

withstand vt.抵挡,反抗
witness n.证据;证人 vt.目击
wolf n.狼
woman n.妇女,女人,女性
wonder n.惊异,惊奇;奇迹

wonderful a.惊人的;极好的
wood n.树林,森林;木头
wooden a.木制的;呆板的
wool n.羊毛;毛线,绒线
woollen a.羊毛制的,毛线的

word n.词;话;消息;语言
work n.工作;职业 vi.工作
worker n.工人;工作者,人员
workman n.工人,劳动者,工匠
workshop n.车间,工场;创作室

world n.世界;世人;世间
world-wide a.遍及全球的
worm n.虫,蠕虫
worry vt.使烦恼 vi.发愁
worse a.更坏的 ad.更坏

worship n.礼拜;崇拜 vt.崇拜
worst a.最坏的 ad.最坏地
worth a.值…的 n.价值
worthless a.无价值的,无用的
worthwhile a.值得花时间的

worthy a.有价值的;值得的
would aux.v.将;愿;总是
wound n.创伤,伤 vt.使受伤
wrap vt.裹,包,捆 n.披肩
wreath n.花环,花圈,花冠

wreck n.失事;残骸 vt.破坏
wrist n.腕,腕关节
write vt.书写;写 vi.写
writer n.作者,作家,文学家
writing n.书写,写;著作

wrong a.错误的 ad.错Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints' Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly.
Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o'-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern".
The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags.
Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young




  1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect
large enough to be important)

  2. Common=universal, ubiquitous (if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be

  3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's
needs and wants)

  4. Stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)

  5. Neglect=ignore. (Difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough
attention to something; ignore means no attention.)

  6. Near=adjacent(two things next to each other), adjoin(the same as
adjacent)  7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth,
you try to obtain it. FORMAL)

  8. Accurate=precise (precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact
(correct in every detail) 9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few

  10. Top=peak, summit

  11. Competitor=rival, opponent (especially in sports and politics)

  12. Blame=condemn (if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and
unacceptable)  13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or
situation in a particular way)  14. Fame=prestige (describe those who are
admired), reputation  15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings,
FORMAL), establish

  16. Insult=humiliate (do something or say something which makes People feel
ashamed or stupid)  17.complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered

  18. Primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental

  19. Relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less
intense or severe)  20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do
something s/he does not want to),compel

  21. Enlarge=magnify (magnify means make something larger than it Really

  22.complex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small
parts and details)

  23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near
him/her  24.small=minuscule(very small), minute,

  25. Praise=extol (stronger than praise), compliment (polite and

  26. hard-working=assiduous (someone who is assiduous works hard or does
things very thoroughly

  27. Difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring,
and involves a lot of efforts)

  28. Poor (soil) =barren, infertile (used to describe the soil is so poor
that plants cannot be planted on it)

  29. Fragile=brittle, vulnerable (someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt
emotionally or physically)

  30. Show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to

  31. Big=massive (large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal (use this
word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous (INFORMAL)

  32. Avoid=shun (if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that
something or keep away from it.)

  33. Fair=impartial (someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion
or decision on something.)

  34. Attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack

  35. Dislike=abhor (abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for
moral reasons), loathe (dislike very much)!

  36. Ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly
destroy it.)

  39. Always=invariably (the same as always, but better than always)

  40. Forever=perpetual (a perpetual state never changes), immutable
(something immutable will never change or be changed)

  41. Surprise=startle (it means surprise you slightly), astound (surprise
you to a large degree), astonish (the same as astound)

  42. Enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and

  43. Quiet=tranquil (calm and peaceful), serene (calm and quiet)!

  44. Expensive=exorbitant (it means too expensive that it should be)

  45. Luxurious=lavish (impressive and very expensive), sumptuous (grand and
very expensive

  46. Boring=tedious (if you describe something tedious, you mean it is
boring and frustrating)

  47. Respect=esteem (if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her.

  48. Worry=fret (if you fret about something, you worry about it)

  49. Cold=chilly (unpleasantly cold), icy (extremely cold)

  50. Hot=boiling (very hot)

  51. Dangerous=perilous (very dangerous, hazardous (dangerous, especially to
people's safety and health)

  52. Nowadays=currently

  53. Only=unique (the only one of its kind), distinctive;

  54. Stop=cease (if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)

  55. Part=component (the components of something are the parts that it is
made of)

  56. Result=consequence (the results or effects of something)

  57. Obvious=apparent, manifest

  58. Basedon=derived from can see or notice them very easily)

  60. Quite=fairly

  61. Pathetic=lamentable (very uncomfortable and disappointing)

  62. Field=domain (a particular field of thought, activities or

  63. Appear=emerge (come into existence)

  64. Whole=entire (the whole of something)

  65. Wet=moist (slightly wet), damp (slightly wet), humid (very damp and

  66. Wrong=erroneous (incorrect or partly correct)

  67. Difficult=formidable

  68. Change=convert (change into another form)

  69. Typical=quintessential (this word means represent a typical example of

  70. Careful=cautious (very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent
(careful and sensible)

  71. Ability=capacity, capability (the same as ability)

  72. Strange=eccentric (if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange
way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)

  73. Rich=affluent (if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)

  74. Use= utilize (the same as use)

  75. Dubious=skeptical (if you are skeptical about something, you have
doubts on it.)

  76. Satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you
pleasure and Satisfaction)

  77. Short=fleeting, ephemeral (if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short

  78. Scholarship=fellowship

  79. Angry=enraged (extremely angry)

  80. Smelly=malodorous (used to describe an unpleasant smell)

  81. Ugly=hideous (if something is hideous, it is very ugly or

  82. Attractive=appealing (pleasing and attractive), absorbing (something
absorbing can attract you a great deal)

  83. Diverse=miscellaneous (a miscellaneous groups consists of many
different kinds of things)

  84. Disorder=disarray, chaos

  85. Crazily=frantically (used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and
uncontrolled way)

  86. Rapid=meteoric (ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone
achieves success quickly)

  87. Ordinary=mundane (very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)

  88. Despite=notwithstanding (FORMAL)

  89. Best=optimal (used to describe the best level something can

  90. Sharp=acute (severe and intense)

  91. Unbelievable=inconceivable (if you deem something inconceivable, you
think it very unlike to happen ^

  92. Puzzle=perplex (something perplex someone means it confuses and worries
him/her because he/she does not understand it)

  93. Method=avenue (away of getting something done)

  94. Famous=distinguished (used to describe people who are successful in
their career)

  95. Ancient=archaic (extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)

  96. Decorate=embellish (embellish means make something look more attractive
via decorating it with something else)/

  97. Possible=feasible (if something is feasible, it can be done, made or

  98. So=consequently, accordingly

  99. Rare=infrequent (doesn’t happen often

  100. Greedy=rapacious (greedy and selfish)

  101. Good=favorable, desirable, pleasurable

  102. Bad=unfavorable,undesirable,unpleasurable,(be less impressive)

  103.many=a sea of, an ocean of, a multitude of,(many什么,if not most)

  104. Like=be crazy about

  105. Some=a slice of, quite a few

  106.more and more+名词=in growing numbers, in creasing numbers, in
significant numbers

  107.more and more+形容词=increasingly

  108.most+名词=an overwhelming majority of the+名词,a significant proportion of
the+名词,a sizable percentage of the+名词

  110. Not=by no means

  111. Think=harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view
that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledge that

  112in my opinion=for my part,(personally, I think),from my own

  113. Want=desire

  114. Remenber=bear in mind that

  115. And=as well as

  116. A be more important B than=A far outweigh B,A bear/carry more weight

  117. Great=considerable

  118. Show=indicate,unfold,display,reveal,demonstrate

  119. And so on=and so forth, and so like

  120. Enjoy=be crazy about

  121.完全:absolute, unconditional, unlimited, complete, unrestricted, unmixed,
perfect, entire

  122.好:extraordinary, amazing, miraculous, marvelous, stupendous, excellent,
good, well, wonderful, fine, nice, of high quality, pleasing, surprising,

  123.小:small, diminutive, puny, little, pocket-sized, petit, minute,

  124.多:big , enormous, large, gigantic, vast, tremendous, gargantuan, huge,
immense, a lot of, lots of, many, much, plenty of, a great deal of, a number of,
an amount of, a great many, a good many, many a, scores of, dozens of, a great
quantity of

  125.高兴,快乐:delighted, delightful, pleased, pleasing, charmed, pleasant,
cheerful, cheering, merry, happy, gratified, glad, gay, agreeable, friendly,
content, satisfied, light-hearted, joyful

  126.真的:True, truthful, veracious, faithful, accurate, loyal, staunch,
genuine, honest, real, trustworthy, constant.

  127.全,都:all, whole, entire, complete, perfect, total, the whole number of ,
unbroken , gross


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    答:表并列,递进 and ,what's more,further more,moreover,besides,in addition,likewise.表转折 but ,whereas ,however,yet,though 表原因 as ,because,because of ,on account of ,owing to ,by reason of,as a result of ,due to ,since 表结果 result,as a result,to the end,come to a...
  • 英语四级作文欣赏及词汇积累
    答:【词汇表达亮点】I am writing you to complain of ... take ... into consideration 将 我写信投诉…… 考虑进去 disturb v.打扰 in a word 总之 on my way to a dream 即将入睡 considerate adj.考虑周到的 take care请注意 英语四级作文范文【2】 题目要求:Directions: Write...
  • 四级英语作文关于提案的常用短语或单词?
    答:Recommend 是建议、推荐,常用来以客气、缓和的方式提出建议,像是:「为了安全起见,空服员建议乘客全程系好安全带」、「为了健康着想,广播建议观众全程佩戴口罩」。For the sake of your health, we recommend that you wear your face masks at all times.为了您的健康,建议您全程佩戴口罩。而propose、suggest、...
  • 英语四级词汇及其记忆方法
    答:词汇是英语四级六级备考的关键,因为它是听力、阅读、翻译还有作文的基础。词汇量大就意味着阅读速度快、听力听得懂以及对翻译和作文的信手捏来,能够在一定程度上提高考生们做题的准确率。 英语词汇记忆的方法有哪些 1、基本义联想法 这种方法利用多义单词的意义扩展规律,首先抓住单词最基本的意思,然后根据其他词义与基...
  • 四级写作多个短句并列
    答:6. 英语四级作文常用短语有哪些 inquire about 询问,打听 inquire after 问起(某人)的健康情况 inquire for 询问(商店、地点等) for instance 例如,比如,举例说 instead of 代替;而不是… by instinct 凭(靠)本能 in the interest of 为了…的利益,为了 take interest in 对…感(产生)兴趣 interfere in 干涉...
  • 四级英语作文万能模板带翻译
    答:英语四级作文万能模板和常用句型-段首句、中间句、结尾句,段首句关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……There are different opinions among people as to ___ .Some people suggest that ___.用于作文开头的万能模板 1、Many people insist that... 很多人(坚持)认为……这句话乍看没亮点...