
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29
跪求各位大哥大姐帮我翻译一句话 english的 急~~~~

intended to explain why we need interaction design, to find out what problems it could solve as well as to elaborate the design process and significance. By combining the development and innovation within science and technology domain, in conformity with people oriented tenet, product interaction design emerging from all kinds of ideas.

1A "corporate image (CI) design": Based on "corporate image CI design" the development of the new situation and the characteristics of higher vocational education for the advertising and art design application-oriented talents of professional goals, the system introduced the product image and service image, staff image, organization image, corporate personality and corporate image shaping the planning and import a full range of corporate image design, the basic knowledge and skills, and explain the process through the example links and steps to strengthen the practical application.
2 Students Career Guidance: In accordance with the present institutions of higher learning in personnel training needs, combined with the more typical case of the community and the latest market trends explained the talent of university students and career background, job preparation and interview skills, business basics, entering the community should pay attention to labor issues and related policies and so on.
3 business negotiation: a systematic introduction to the contents of the negotiations and general business procedures, combined with a large number of instances of negotiation tactics and strategy research, succinctly describes the basic principles of business negotiations and principles of conducting business negotiations overview, respectively from business negotiation preparation, strategy, deadlock handling, signing, language skills, communication and coordination, psychology, rituals, discussed in terms of business negotiations
4 International Marketing: an overview of international marketing, international marketing environment, international market research and forecasting, international market demand analysis, international market competition analysis, international target market selection and entry, international marketing mix strategy
5 Marketing Professional English: In the coming international competition in the market environment, or to enter a career in the future, we will find that you are engaged in market research, product positioning and pricing, brand strategy and promotion, market segmentation and differentiation, product promotion (including self-marketing) with promotion, advertising and customer communication, event marketing, guerrilla marketing, experiential marketing, relationship marketing, sports sponsorship marketing, network marketing, cross-cultural marketing, new marketing campaigns
6 Marketing Psychology: a comprehensive analysis of the influence consumer buying behavior of the various factors, and on this basis, further discussed in the marketing activities such as new product development and promotion, branding and packaging, commodity prices, advertising and sales environment , how the psychological characteristics for consumers to take appropriate marketing strategies and other psychological problems.
7 Ma Zhe: the materialism and dialectics, materialist view of nature and the materialist conception of history combine to form a theoretical system of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.
8 Market Research and Forecast: Analysis focused on the practical application of business operations more copy method, experiment, questionnaire design, sampling method, as well as experts in law, time series analysis, causal analysis, forecasting methods. At the same time, according to market research and market forecast overall requirements of practice to introduce the characteristics of related work, principles, procedures and so on.
9 Introduction to Business Negotiation: For negotiation, business negotiation and international business negotiations and the general theory of the three elements of the concept, extension, and mutual relationships comparisons and analysis, business negotiations that must be acquired general knowledge of the negotiations, such as business practices, processes , strategies, skills and international business negotiations focus on the risk aversion etc.. business negotiations must be noted that elements, which is always associated with business negotiations, business negotiation must be a high degree of attention.
10 marketing tips: salesmen vocational skills and higher professional education requirements of starting to promote the activities of program planning materials for the clues to the contents of system, in line with refining the theory, strengthen the application of the principles of skills training, mainly to explain and resolve the various marketing practices class technical issues.

clock 时钟
clock track 时钟磁迹、记时声迹
clockwise 顺时针方向
closed circuit 闭合电路

warn 警告
watt 瓦特
wave 波
wave amplitude 波幅
wave band 波段、频率
wave form 波形
waveform analyzer 波形分析器
waveform synthesizer 波形合成器
wave front 波前、波阵面
wavelength 波长

slide switch 滑动开关
slider 滑触头
slope 斜率、斜衰减
slow 慢、缓慢
small-signal characteristic 小信号特性
smooth 平滑

tuned 调谐、调音
tuner 调谐器
tuning fork 音叉
turn 旋转、圈、匝


band 军乐队、乐器组 bandpass filter 带通滤波器
band reject 带阻滤波器 band selector 波段选择开关
bandstop filter 带阻滤波器 band switch 波段开关
bandwidth 频带宽度、带宽 banjo 班究琴
bank 组合、排、系列 bar 巴
bariton 男中音
base 基极、管座、基数
bass 低音、男低音

melody 旋律 曲调
memory 存储器、记忆
memory register 存储寄存器
menu 目录单、菜单

dimmer 调光器
direct-amplifier 直流放大器


center frequency 中心频率
center tab 中心轴头

SPL 声压级
splice 连接
splicing tape 接合带
stereo microphone 立体声传声器
stereophonic 立体声
studio 制片厂、录音室、录音棚

test 测试、检验
test tape 测试磁带
temperature 温度
temporary 暂时的


real time 实时
real-time spectrum analyzer 实时频谱分析仪
rear 后部、背部
REC 记录、录音、录象
recall 回索、检索
receive 接收


sub- 副、辅助、分
subsonic 次声、亚音频的
sum 总和
super 超

woofer 低音扬声器 VCR录像机 LDP唱机;

REC 记录、录音、录象



  • 跪求各位大哥高手帮我翻译功放上的英文功能
    答:woofer 低音扬声器 VCR录像机 LDP唱机;TAPE磁带TV/AUX电视/自由;---以上是你选择音源输入输出部分AUX就是自由选择信号输入;其实都是一码事;TUNER调音;调节 PHONO监听;耳机空 REC 记录、录音、录象 dIMMER调
  • 翻译功放面板上的英文名称~
    答:TUNER:调谐器。AD TIMER:广告定时器。LOUDNESS:音量。PHONO:唱机。DAT:数据;数字录音带。BS:理学士。功放的作用就是把来自音源或前级放大器的弱信号放大,推动音箱放声。一套良好的音响系统功放的作用功不可没。功放,是各类音响器材中最大的一个家族,其作用主要是将音源器材输入的较微弱信号进行...
  • 求功放的那些英文的连接翻译谢谢了
    答:功放的功能不同,其上面的那些标记也不同,下面是一些常见到的,满意我的回答请及时采纳。LOUD 响亮 MUTE 静 音 CH.MODE (change mode) 换式 / channel mode 频道转换 DSP 数字信号处理 / 数码处理 MIC1 LEVEL 麦克风#1输出电压 DIGITAL ECHO 数码回响 MIC2 LEVEL 麦克风#1输出电压 DELAY 时延 MIC...
  • 请音响高手进来,翻译功放功能版上的英文,快一点,着急。有很多的财富值...
    答:这是一款家庭影院功放的面板,TIME/LEVEL 时间和水平,一般是指延时的时间和音量,下面的CENT中置,REAR是后置(即环绕),分别用来选择调节中置和环绕(一般是选择了以后再调节其音量水平等参数),右边上面2排都是各种DSP效果,NORMAL(普通) WIDE(宽),phantom(一般翻译为幻像),这三种是一个系列的...
  • 功放上面的一些英文,谁帮我看看什么意思呀
  • 音响功放上的英文缩写翻译
  • 帮我翻译一下几个功放上面的单词!!
    答:bypass? ---直通 stereo? ---立体声 pro logic? ---杜比定向逻辑 test tone? ---音量测试 center tone? 中置音量 还有center level和rear lever是什么意思,它们上面的down和up都是干什么的?--中置电平,环绕电平, up---上升或加大,down--下降或减小 mastervolume? ---主音量 loudness? ---...
  • 请帮我翻译一下功放的按键英文是什么作用,谢谢!
    答:各按键英文作用:Front: 前端(指输入信号端)Low Pass:低频通道(指只有低音信号才能通过分频器)HighPass:高频通道(指只有高音信号才能通过分频器)CrossOver:混音 Fear 后面的 Bass boost 低音增强 MIN 小 、MAX大 Low Pass 低通滤波 High Pass 高通滤波 Crossover 分频器 LP 低通 、HP 高通 ...
  • 谁帮我翻译下汽车功放电路板上面的英文缩写什么意思
    答:你好 SPDIF是SONY、PHILIPS数字音频接口的简称 ACC控制端、这个接CD机的控制输出,BATT 是电池、接电源正 GND 接地 SW重低音,还是开关?语音电子导航系统(NAVI)SHIELD保护 CAN总线接口?LB/RB、左右后置喇叭。CF/CR前后中置?TWL/TWR边门左右喇叭?FL/FR,前置左右喇叭。打问号的不确定。才疏学浅,不...
  • 谁能帮我翻译下功放上的单词啊?