
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

1.dont look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you know you'll be dead. 生于忧患,死于安乐.
2.A dog starving at his master's gate predicts the ruin of the state.树死先从叶子黄.
3.I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by custom. 宁愿创新,不愿陈腐.
4.Gather you rosebuds while you may, old time is still a flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying. 未雨绸缪.
5.However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him. 傻瓜总会发现有比他更傻的人在赞美他.
6. Belief, then, is the great guide of human life. 信仰是生活的向导.
7.Other people's harvests are always the best harvests,but one's own children are always the best children . 别人的收获总是最好的,自己的孩子总是最乖的 .
8.there is no feast on earth that does not end in parting. 天下没有不散的宴席。
9.Everyone has some tricks they can do, but each has his own way of doing them.
10.those who can lose shall gain, those who wish for gain shall lose.












46. The consellor made some pieces of advice of how to get the most out of advanced college education.

47. The children aged about ten seldom turn to their parents or teachers in Hong Kong.

48. This makes scientists able to keep current with the new development in his field.

49. He prefers walking to work rather than taking a bus.

50. There is nobody late for the ball,except two servants.

51. I'd like to go to the party,while on the other hand I should study.


40popularizing.(spend in doing something 结构)

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