
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-19
用英语翻译一下,懂的来不懂的别用翻译器来瞎翻译 要正确的语法

when u r beside me,u are all.when u r away from me,all is u.

我知道从来没想过不能再和你牵手I never know there is someday I cannot be with you.
委屈时候没有你陪着我心痛You are not accompanying me when I feel wronged.
一切都是我太过骄纵以为你会懂I thought you could understand all of my spoiled doings.
一直忘了说我有多感动and I also forgot to tell you how much I'm moved by you.
我知道你还是爱着我I know you are stll loving me.
虽然分开的理由我们都已接受Although we both accepted the reasons why we broke up.
你知道我会有多难过You know how sad I could be.
所以即使到最后还微笑着要我加油That's why you told me to smile even thought we were apart.
我知道你还放不下我I know you are still worrying about me.
才会在离开时闭着眼没有回头So you closed your eyes and didn't look back when leaving.
我们都知道彼此心中We both know that...
其实这份爱没停过Our love never ends.
曾经完整幸福的梦在脑海里头All the past happiness come up to my mind.
我多希望你还在我左右How much I wish that you could be still here with me
答应你我会好好过I promise you that I'll take care of myself
不让这些眼泪白流Never regretting all my tears. By2的歌,我已经会唱了,所以我才翻译得比较快,哈哈.非常喜欢这首歌.

1.我们信仰上帝 They trust in God;

He believe more exercises can bring better health;

I believe his words;
I'm convinced of by his words;

We all agree his proposal;

I can not agree with you more;

I disapprove that plan;

They agree to come on Monday

Finally,they come to an agreement on the work schedule.

1.We have a belief in God.
2.He thought that there is much benefit in sports.
3.I trust what he says. I believe him.
4.We all agree his opinion.
5.I quite agree with what you say.
6.He didn't agree on that program.
7.They agree to come on monday.
8.they got the same opinion on the plan of work at last.

1.We believe in God.
2.He believes that it's surely good for us to do exercise.
3.I believe his words.
I believe that what he said was true.
4.I all agree with him.
5.I agree with you on your words.
6.He doesn't agree to the plan.
7.They agree that they'll come on Monday.
8.They came to an agree on the work plan at last.

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