麻烦请英语高手进来翻译一下这篇文章 大概的翻译出来了就好 希望是人工翻译而不是机译 。你们懂的 ,谢谢

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

A:Hi Maria,nice to see you on twitter,would you drop in on me for dinner ?
B:Hi Bob,I‘ll be free at that time,call you tomorrow
A : Great !

You and your family had five days to travel,but spent four days on driving,only one day on sightseeing at the destination.Did you enjoy driving until exhausted?Or did you like sitting in the car and have a car sightseeing?

As the saying goes: "money can't buy happiness", but "money" can buy us happy. Don't worry about the money spent on others in how much profit, also don't blame yourself too indulge their desires. Many times, happy, it won't come to visit us. Money is a good keys.
Money is what? Only use it for something, it only real existence and brings us pleasant sensation, otherwise it will only make disputes and troubled. When I was a child, money is put the money only, can get a doll smash it, In high school, money is parents miserly wallet, only to get a pair of NIKE, entangled in sight of students, Again, some money up our wedding banquet is, At 40, becomes expensive taste.

Money is for our clothes, shoes, dined out in a restaurant, a lively area apartment, still have a 50 square metre, a bicycle, this book is a bunch of flowers, and all moved us, and on our life of mark. Besides, it can also is what?

Money can obtain happiness, need a few premise, the first to avoid is too rich. Billionaire sadly tell us: "money does not bring happiness ah" (they are only say this words, but we prefer personal try). This desperate, can also have the money, daily in the sea voyage will make everything becomes banal, just like every day, it will brushing your teeth.

If you have a lot of the rest is available, what will? No, there is no dream, for in two house also needn't buy all between - just too lazy to see and put aside. For my socks in the shops to buy VERSACE surrounds is nothing interesting in our eyes, then the super lucky man all reveal sad.

Of course, also cannot too poor, with 300 dollars each month feed four mouth people (like our parents when young, "money cannot be happy" forgive. Even poor people all yearn for money, can really get up will someday.

Imagine that a poor person buy a lottery ticket in million award - first, he was right, from the shed in the ramshackle and bought a new house, then the biggest to others, buy decent furniture and curtain. It is happiness? Unfortunately, no. In the new house, he broke the old house missed. The new neighbors with contempt, and his eyes see old friends saw him nothing except "money". For money, also have no! Because he was afraid to take, but he knows only in the past economic conditions in this life - how is wise, but he didn't realize that. Even if he is willing to, how can you expect a never seen the sea of people to buy a yacht? The first to know what is right.

The most ideal, there is a little money, but not too rich, and dreams and desires, which we can cross the life ShiJinShiSong and rhythmic, sometimes pack a rich (actually, this is not our secret of happiness
我英语很差的所以 只能这样翻译

佩服楼上的真有耐心全给翻译出来了 怎么样到底我没顾得看 但我不管如何都给分那


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