supervision前加什么介词?  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

看具体情况啊。常见的是用at,会有解释说在小地方前用at不过in也好啊 用on的话,少见,但英国方言里会有的额 比如,在马路上 英国说on the road 美国说in the road

根据题意可加多个不同介词,如in, for, to,见下面的句子:
The train usually goes120 kilometers in one hour.
火车通常一小时跑120公里。He made the 90-mile round trip in one hour.
他一个小时完成了九十英里的来回旅程。That salesman have a good spiel, he sell many dress in one hour.
那个推销员讲话流利又夸张,他在一小时内卖了很多衣服。Passengers should check in one hour before their flight time at the latest.
乘客至迟应在班机起飞前一小时办理登机手续。We must set clocks forward one hour in summer.
夏天我们必须把钟拨快一小时。He made a resolution to read something profitable for one hour every day.
Breastfeeding should start within one hour after birth.
Expect landing limits within one hour due to weather.
预期在一小时内限制降落,因天气。天气迅速变坏。Refrigerate pizza if you are not going to bake it within one hour.
一小时内不用的原料请即放回冰箱冷冻保存。Owners of tigers must notify authorities within one hour if the tiger escapes.
老虎的主人必须在老虎脱逃后的一个小时内通知当局。Most people only have a half an hour to one hour for lunch.
大多数人只有半小时到一小时的时间吃午饭。Half an hour to one hour is enough for Convenient Method practitioners.
He can drone on for hours about his pet subjects.
他能就他的宠物侃侃而谈几小时。That woman will yap away for hours about nothing.
We talked for hours about the meaning of life.
We loafed for hours in the park. 我们在公园里闲逛了几个小时。
The chairman droned on for hours. 主席一直以沉闷的语调讲了几小时。

2个小时 two hours, which can be used behind in, for, to, during, etc.(ztlthb)

(1)without supervision 没有监督的情况下

(2)under supervision of 在……的监督下
(3)be in supervision 处于监督之中

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