
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

1. 楼主的题干可能有点问题;如果是填such as 这道题就是考定语从句,as为关系代词,所以应思考从句中的成分,由于eager为形容词,故从句中缺少谓语,联系be eager to do sth 渴望做某事,故题干中的where应改成were,此时填such ~~~as 便无问题。
He opened the door to_______ who 主句
___were eager to seek after knowledge定语从句(其中who为现行词,在从句中作主语)
联系关系代词的用法,故此处填such ~~~as引导定语从句。
2.The project is known to_____for three mouths.
此题考查sb/sth is known +不定式,中不定式的时态的确定问题,此处用不定式的一般时,表示其动作与"know"这一动作几乎同时发生,不强调其先后顺序;用不定式的现在进行时,表示正在进行或现阶段进行的动作;用其完成时,表示其先于“know"这一动作;所以这道题选什么,是需要语境的。由于其中有时间状语for three months, 故此处用其现在完成体应该是讲得通的,或用其现在进行时,表示现阶段存在的动作,也因该是没问题的。所以,此题是可以用to be going on强调其正在进行。此题建议问一下你们老师。
The force_____the earth attracts matter is called gravity.
定语从句中的介词的确定可将先行词带入定语从句中考察,看是否需用介词以及用什么介词:故此题可转换为The earth attracts matter (for) the force.中介词的确定问题,若为短语或搭配,这需平时积累;而此处考查for的一般用法,在此处表原因。故此定语从句用for which引导。
John suggested_____anything about it until they found out more facts.此处到底是考查suggest doing sth还是考查“suggest that 主语 +(should)+动词原形”(建议~~~),重点在于读懂题干意思:我们是把它理解成:
(1)用suggest doing sth那么可得
John suggested_____anything about it 主句
until they found out more facts.时间状语从句
译成汉语即为:直到他们查明更多事实真相,约翰建议对此不要做任何评论。(not 为现在分词的否定形式;until直到)
(2)用suggest that 主语 +(should)+动词原形”(建议~~~)其句子结构为
John suggested 主句
not say anything about it until they found out more facts.宾语从句
可译成汉语:约翰建议,直到他们查明更多事实真相前,不要对此做任何评论。(not ~~~until直到~~~才)
故用not say。此处重点在于区分(until 与not~~~until的意思区别)。
This is the most important respect______civilized man can be distinguished from primitive communities.
首先确定此题为定语从句,关系词用什么,一般思路为把现行词放在定语从句中考察,同时联系关系词的用法选择即可:此句中现行词为the respect 带入定语从句中可得civilized man can be distinguished from primitive communities (in this respect). 故此处可用in which或where引导。

13.答案应为B.How close parents are to their children这个从句作主语,因为是单个的从句,所以后面的谓语动词,用单数形式.C不能作谓语,D为过去式形式,本题是陈述客观事实,应该用一般现在时.

c 主语从句
b 去悉尼没办法参加会议 根据句子意思是选 不幸的是
b 找人修车
a at the end of 在什么末端
in the end 到头来
on the end没有固定词组
c 1.表示与现在事实相反的愿望


主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + 动词过去式 (be 一律用were)


I wish I knew everything in the world.

I wish that the experiment were a success.

We wish we had wings. 我们希望有翅膀。


I wish it ______ not so cold outside.

A. shall be B. be C. were D. is

I wish I ______ you better.

A. know B. knew C. will know D. have known



主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + would/could + have + 过去分词或had + 过去分词


I wish that you had called yesterday.

I wish that I could have gone with you last night.

I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I had been there.


I wish you ______ such a great deal of fuss.

A. were not caused B. had not caused

C. have not caused D. are not caused

I wish that you ______ such a bad headache because I’m sure that you would have enjoyed the concert.

A. hadn’t had B. hadn’t

C. didn’t have D. hadn’t have



主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + would/should/could/might + 原形动词


I wish that he could try again.

I wish that someday I should live on the moon.

We wish that they would come soon.


I wish that we ______ with my brother when he flies to England next week.

A. could go B. had gone C. will go D. are going

14、It在这里是做形式主语,指的是that this is because less healthy foods are cheaper than healthy ones。
选A的话,what is possible that ,that 前面还要加一个is。
15、A是指坦率的,B是不幸的是,做状语,在这里可以。C指的是就个人而言;就个人意见 ,与本体不符。
16、选B吧,用现在进行时态表示将来,have sth. done指把……做了,表被动。
1、at the end of 在……的尽头,在……的末尾
on the end of 在…的末端

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