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高三英语周报外研版2015-2016第18期 的答案 Book 6 Modules 5-6 参考答案及部分解析 参考答案 1-5 CCBBC 6-10BBACC 11-15 BBCAC 16-20CBBCB 21-25 DBDCD 26-30CDBAB 31-35 CBBAB 36-40GCAFE 41-45 CDABB 46-50DCDDB 51-55 ACADC 56-60DDBAC 61. 。

高三英语周报外研版2015-2016第18期 的答案
Book 6 Modules 5-6
11-15 BBCAC 16-20CBBCB
21-25 DBDCD 26-30CDBAB
31-35 CBBAB 36-40GCAFE
41-45 CDABB 46-50DCDDB
51-55 ACADC 56-60DDBAC
61. have been thinking
62. a 63.Using
64. that / which 65. whether / if
66. for 67.Trained
68. more 69.decision
70. firmly
71. ... pay a visit ... visit后加to
72. ... I am eagerly to ...
eagerly → eager
73. ... appreciate it unless ...
unless → if
74. ... convenient of you ... of → to
75. Beside, my family ...
Beside → Besides
76. ... if you will come ... 去掉will
77. ... visit your school ... your → my
78. ... and amazed place.
amazed → amazing
79. ... we would have a ... would → will
80. ... to see you. see → seeing
One possible version:
Dear John,
I would like to tell you more about a newtrend in China— delivering electronic red envelopes.
Traditionally, red envelopes represent goodluck. The Chinese give red envelopes with cash to children during the SpringFestival and to new couples at their wedding parties. However, many people sentout their New Year's greetings through electronic red envelopes this year.
Electronic red envelopes are mainly sent bycompanies in order to earn more profit. Some people send electronic red envelopesto kids or friends for fun. Sometimes, one can even pay back money by sendingelectronic red envelopes.
Delivering electronic red envelopes is agood way to keep Chinese tradition alive. High technology is making our livesmore and more convenient and interesting.

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