
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

31. If we put these wonderful ideas to implement, we will work to achieve impressive progress.
32. If you make such a concession, you will soon have to pay the price.
33. His bad eyesight, which he did not see the child away.
34. We are trying to come up with to address these urgent problems. .
35. The Government is taking these measures in the hope that prices will soar down.

It's good for our health to go to sleep earily.
That engineer hasn't been at home since three years ago.
He said nothing in English class yesterday.

1.like Chinese,English always greet others by shaking hands gentlely and vigorously.
2.I do plan that invitng my friends having dinner at my home on my birthday.

  • 啊啊啊,英语好的进,帮我翻译两个句子,谢谢谢谢...
    答:2.I do plan that invitng my friends having dinner at my home on my birthday.
  • 英语好的进来~帮我翻译2个句子!
    答:2.Our team seems to have a music opera the next term,but can I ask for a leave?I'm so sorry.
  • 英语好的人请进~帮我翻译
    答:I will be right here waiting for you 我都会在此为你等候Iwillberightherewaitingforyou我都会在此为你等候
  • 英语好的进,帮忙翻译几句话~
    答:3.Learning experiences happen to us in our life 抱歉,我翻译不通
  • 英文好的进啊!~!用英文翻译这些话
    答:I like Harry Potter very much. He's an excellent actor. He's very handsome, wearing a pair of glasses with black frames. I admire his flying broom and hope I can also fly one day!他是一个演员和歌手.他的眼睛很小,但是他很帅.他的歌很好听,他是我最喜欢的歌手.He(Jay Chow)...
  • 英语高手请进,帮我翻译两句话啊,谢谢
    答:the person in question can give no consent 总之,很多情况下死亡可能是更好的选择。在审视反对派的主要理由前,我们从逻辑上不难得出这样的结论:在病人无法默许死亡选择的情况下,又有谁能理性决定他们的生死选择呢?the main thrust of the objection 持反对意见的主要理由/ 重点在於......
  • 英语好的帮我翻译几个句子啊
    答:A woman scored her heart to see a doctor the doctor asked her age, she said I was 18 when I married my husband 30 years now his 60-year-old is twice the 30 I was 36 years old
  • 英文好的 ,帮我翻译一下啊。
    答:我必须做我自己。我就是我。I must be peaceful.Too needed to be peaceful.我必须安静。非常需要安静,平和。All do not come to be tired of me,All rolls to me,Rolls distant point.请不要对我所有的这些厌倦。这篇英文语法比较奇异 参考资料:★尊重手译,尊重自译,鄙视机译,鄙视抄袭★...
  • 急!!!英文好的人进!帮忙翻译10句话…不要用在线翻译翻的…
    答:2.My son feel like going to QingDaowithhisclassmates 3.My grand father fell asleep while he was reading nespaper in the sofa.4.You should follow the doctor"s advice of eating more fruits and vegetable.5.They go for a walk from time to time.6.Tell the children not to get ...
  • 大家帮我用英语翻译两个句子吧,谢谢啊
    答:I dreamed that you wore a new jeans and looked very handsome.我想和你一起吃饭,你根本不理我,不管我怎么和你说话,你都不理我.I wish I could have a meal with you, but you paid no attention to me, nomatter how I talked to you.你告诉我这条牛仔裤是一个朋友送的.You told...