
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03


2006.8-2006.9 smooth in the 华 up north China the cent company in the city craft decays a practice, expecting to the chip before the craft step contain detailed understanding, can use the stem, wet method equipments masterly.Thick instrument of well-trained applied film of ability, stairs instrument.
Attended with the body that student represent in 2006 the Chinese semi-conductor of the fourth boundary sealed to pack the test technique and market seminars.
2006 arrive the happy mountain- 菲 尼 gram 斯 to carry on the visit study, seal to pack to the chip the process contain certain understanding.
Attend the training that national university student's electronics in school designs the big match in July 2005
During 2004-2005 years attend the activity inside the school, department for many times, still served as 100 people academic chairs.
2005 do the website with classmate together( www.fafe .Cn), respond better

• participate in the four projects of audit work. Colleagues after leaving office, took over the work, to further understand the team between mutual understanding, mutual trust and the importance of effective communication, exercise the logical thinking, data analysis and problem solving skills.

, assist project director in inventory, (pay) accounts receivable and payable taxes, operating income and other papers of the project, spot check, copy documents etc.

• print documents, sorting papers, send and receive confirmations, binding papers.
, participate in 12 items in the annual report of audit work. One time to the city on a business trip. A preliminary understanding of the auditing profession, know how to collaborate with people, to efficiently complete the work, improve the ability to communicate with people, communication, realized as an auditor's responsibility.

Cash, check, invoice.
Fill in the cash and bank deposit journal.
• help accounting documents/contract filing and keeping.
In trivial work, improve the care and patience, culture's ability to adapt to the new environment.

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    答:took over the work, to further understand the team between mutual understanding, mutual trust and the importance of effective communication, exercise the logical thinking, data analysis and problem solving skills.,
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    答:一、 千万别忽视和申请职位相关的短期实践经历 由于学习任务比较重,大多数同学没有相对长期的工作经验,写作简历的第一步,就是要仔细思考,罗列出以往所有的短期实践经历。记住,哪怕做过一天的社会实践,只要和申请的职位有关系,也要把它写下来,这可以成为丰富你简历的良好素材。 二、 把假期实习、...
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