
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10
急!!!请英语好高手帮忙翻译一下 谢谢



With the development of market economy reform, CPA CPA ethics code of conduct as a major guiding role to play. CPA staff of professional ethics is a prerequisite for the audit, certified public accountant assumes the risk of accounting information filter to reduce the cost accounting information identifying the responsibilities, known as "economic police." As the number of favoritism, fraud phenomenon, concerns, remodeling CPA ethics is becoming increasingly urgent. Existing laws and regulations of the imperfect and the current CPA firm occupational environment is deteriorating, in the current scandals have exposed the social audit, audit integrity Losing the people, the integrity of the entire industry suffered a serious crisis situation, we must rethink the CPA Ethics for the current number of undesirable phenomena, causes and consequences of perfect CPA professional ethics. To ensure that the information in the audit report is true, complete and secure.
This article describes the moral failure of several CPA mainly. It illustrates the causes of these bad acts, including the independence of the lack of accountability mechanism is not perfect, non-compliance and not deterrent punishment firms, professional environment, three major aspects of chaos, and each side is also covered by a number of factors. This moral failure on the causes of these made some sound recommendations, such as the protection of CPA independence, reform of office organization, to strengthen penalties for violations of the CPA, CPA practice environment should be clean, to establish industry survival of the fittest system

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  • 英语高手帮忙翻译一下这段话!!!急用啊!!(汉译英)
    答:smiling is crucial. We should be good at communicating with others.工作需要热情和耐心;要学会主动。On top of that, working needs enthusiasm and patience, which means we should learn to be on the initiative.这是本人按楼主要求逐句翻译的。绝对人工,保质保量。楼主可以自己慢慢看。
  • 请教高手帮忙翻译英语,谢谢
    答:13 你可以在中国的每一个角落找到欧洲旅游者。14 很多人还住在条件很差的地方。15 吸毒上瘾者应该去医院就诊。16 很多年轻人都梦想着出国学习。17 我们必须让孩子们远离火。18 她终于实现了她的梦想,成为一名歌唱家。19 如果你超速驾驶,警察会拦住你并给你一张罚单。20 我们可以从网上查到很多很有...
  • 急!!! 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下!!! 谢谢啦!!!
    答:中翻英:收到你的来信很高兴, 也非常感谢你的细心.现在还有一个问题,就是你上封邮件提到的款式有8个,这次却是7个,还有附件CAD图里面有九个款式, 请您确定一下具体是那些款式.Glad to hear from you and thanks for the care.Another question is: The style you have mentioned in the last e...
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    答:纹在哲的悉心照顾下快乐地成长着.However, at a windy night,the master decided to send the fatter one of them to the slaughterhouse after 2 months.可是,一个风高的夜晚,主人残忍地决定过两个月后把胖的那只送到屠宰场.Zhe was determined to choose sacrifice,and he cursed Wen for the ...