
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07

另一幅画也画了山。但是这些山是崎岖不平的。在大山之上是阴沉的天空,大雨瓢泼而下。山的一侧一条瀑布奔流而下。这看上去一点也不平静。但是当国王仔细看的时候,他发现在瀑布之后,一丛非常小的灌木从瀑布中间生长出来,有一只鸟妈妈立在她的巢上——完美的平静。 国王把奖励给了画第二幅画的画家。为什么?“因为,”国王解释道,“平静并不意味着处于一个没有风雨没有麻烦或没有辛劳工作的地方。平静意味着在所有这些嘈杂之中,你仍然可以保持你心灵的平静。这才是平静的真正意义。”


Chaozhou is a historical and cultural city. The total population of 256 million overseas Chinese living abroad Chao Ji, Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong about 200 people. Magnolia is a pure flower of Chaozhou.

Large number of cultural relics in Chaozhou city, the city of existing heritage 728, the existing national key cultural relics protection units 8, 11 cultural relics protection units in Guangdong Province, the municipal cultural relics protection units 55, the Guangdong heritage meet.

8 national key cultural relics protection units built in the Southern Song Dynasty, one of China's four major bridges, known as the world's first wide-open and close economic bridge-type Shiqiao Liang; domestic rare architectural mansion Song Xu Fuma House; before built in the Tang Dynasty, called center of Buddhist activities in East Guangdong Kaiyuan Temple in Chaozhou woodcarving set the culmination of the already slightly Huanggong Ci, Song Chaozhou ceramics reflect the prosperity of the Beacon Hill Song Kiln Site, built in the Song Dynasty, China's existing the oldest and best preserved to commemorate the great Tang dynasty writer Han Yu Han Wen Gong Temple; sets from Chiu Chow Shing Hei Hall in stone; China's largest octagonal Earthen Road, Wan House. Provincial and municipal key cultural relics protection units built in the Ming Dynasty, 2.6 kilometers of the ancient city wall, there are par with Guangzhou Yuexiu Mountain Zhenhai Guangji floor of Ming Dynasty architecture, in addition to domestic longest arch street, the domestic construction area Thai Buddha's largest, with collection of precious historical relics of light floating homes.


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