
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

Because of globalization, people need to work together with different backgrounds. We need to take measures to solve some difficult problems.The media captivates the audience by exaggerating the victim's pain.

回答和翻译如下 :

他没有遵守诺言, 这让他很尴尬 。 离开它我们不能生存的这种无色气体是氧气 。 我买了很多书, 这些书花光了我所有的钱 。

He did not keep his promise , which made him very embarrassed . The colorless gas that we cannot live without is oxygen . I bought a lot of books . These books cost me all my money .

回答和翻译如下 :

警察找了两周的那个男孩和那条狗已经被证明遇害了 。
他们发现这个实验中仍然有太多问题可以产生积极的结果 。
他强烈推荐的那本书已经再次出版了 。
大雨冲走了铁路,使火车无法行驶 。

The police have been looking for two weeks, and the boy and the dog have been proved dead .
They found that there were still too many problems in the experiment that could produce positive results .
The book he strongly recommended has been published again .
The heavy rain washed away the railway and prevented the train from moving .

The boy and the dog which the policeman looked for two weeks have been proved to be murdered.
They found those too many problems still can produce the positive results in this experiment .
The book recommended strongly by him has been published again.
The railway was washed away by heavy rain so that the train could not run.

英文:The police have been looking for two weeks, and the boy and the dog have been proved dead。
英文:They found that there were still too many problems in the experiment that could produce positive results。
英文:The book he strongly recommended has been published again。
英文:The heavy rain washed away the railway and made it impossible for the train to go。


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