
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03
求高手翻译一段文字 汉译英的

Xuantong two years, jiangsu ChengXuanHuai comprador big bureaucrats out a huge sum of money to build the main hall, high Ying seven zhangs four feet, 13 meteorological wei. Reconstruction of the main pillars of Korean pine, is the United States. This batch of Korean pine, the original is li do navy warships to build the wood, the later used to build the Summer Palace, part made empress dowager cixi ships, and parts used to build the LingYinSi hall.

这是一个关于两个老人的故事,一个叫David,另一个叫Rosy Jackson。他们两个都很健忘。随便举个例子来说,Rosy可能会忘了做晚饭,或者是买菜付了钱而忘了拿走。David可能会误把周日当成周一而去上班。有一年冬天,他们要坐长途飞机去旅行,当他们到机场的时候,只剩十分钟飞机就要起飞了。这种情况下一般人都会马上登机了,但是他们俩并没有这么做,而是跑去买航空保险了!投了张两英镑纸币到那架机器里面后马上出来了两张保险单。

Love is known as the best thing in the world, we will get their father's love as lovers
We will get half of love, but what kind of love is perfect?
When the parents gave you meticulous care and love if you want to use their strength to return
When love gives you the closest to love you more of her past returns
Love is everywhere in life to phone home, casual secretly kiss your that her
In this world there is no perfect thing love is the only thing we can do is to constantly operating and perfect
If you are not then you thoroughly alive because of you is for your love and love you of person's biggest comfort
Cherish now


It is well known the love will be this world finest thing we will obtain the love which as the children the father will love as lover
we to obtain the other half love, but what love will only then calculate perfectly?when
the parents have given you the meticulous concern and love you whether to go to think repays
with own ability, when the spouse gave you intimately to love you whether wanted to pass repays her to be more <dnt> the </dnt> love was when actually the ubiquitous life for the family in telephones, between secretly kissed your that her <dnt> in </dnt> this world the perfect thing not to love is also carelessly this we can do is only manages and consummates
unceasingly, if your what that well haven't been living on please you, because you good were love to youThe human and in a big way likes you the person consoling
to treasure now

As we all know love is the most beautiful thing in this world as children we will be fatherly love as a couple
We will get the other half of love, but what kind of love be considered perfect?
When parents give you every possible care and love to you ever thought of using his ability to return it
When the lover to the love you close you want to return to her more then the past
In fact, love is everywhere life I call my family, inadvertently stole the kiss that she was under your
There is no perfect world what love is the only thing we can do this is to continue to operate and improve the
What if you do not live it please you well because you are you getting is you love and who love you the greatest comfort
Cherish it now

众所周知 爱是这个世界最美好的东西 作为子女 我们会得到父爱的爱 作为情侣
我们会得到另一半的爱 但是什么样的爱才算完美呢?
当父母给了你无微不至的关怀和爱戴 你是否去想过用自己的能力去回报呢
当爱人给了你贴心的爱 你是否想过去回报她的更多呢
其实爱是无处不在的 生活之余 给家里打个电话 , 不经意间 偷偷的吻下你的那个她
这个世界上没有完美的东西 爱也是这样 我们唯一能做的就是去不断经营和完善
如果你什么都没有 那就请你好好的活着 因为你过得好是对你爱的人和爱你的人最大的慰藉

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