现在英语考试,要写一片小短文,谁可以写好发给我一下,谢谢了! 要求: 1:我们学校附近有一家叫We

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

带翻译给你哦:My school is very beautiful. I like my school very much.
There is a big playground in my school and we often play sports on it .
My classroom is big and clean.
There are many books in the library.
I often read books here.
There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too.
The teachers in my school are very kind .
The students are very polite and smart.
I am happy in my school.


Hi Tom,
How are you recently? This is Li Hua. I had a welcome party last week in my school. The party was great, and I played a king in one of the plays. I felt so nervous when I standed on the plat firstly that I even forgot my words! But I told myself to stay clam and I played really well. I think this is a good experience and I learned a lot about how to act.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Your friend,
Li Hua


Near our school there is a call Wenfeng Shopping Mall Shopping centre, Shopping center, a total of five layer there are a number of shops inside Such as restaurant fast food appliances mall bookstore clothing shoe store and so on

Shopping center at eight o 'clock in the morning to start business Closes at 9 o 'clock in the evening every day there are a large number of customers, the shop is very popular

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