
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29
适得其反 英语怎么说

just the opposite to what one wishes
at cross purpose
at cross purposes
opposite of one's wish.


其结果必然不会像他们所一厢情愿的那样, 而只能适得其反。

The result will definitely turn out to be just the opposite of their wish.


In fact, it might have just the opposite effect.


Counterproductive, however, had forcibly imposed Rui even death, the family into chaos.


So far, though, Mr Obama's lamentable salesmanship has pushed harder the other way.

Otherwise it will be paradoxical.


to be swayed by one's feelings and act rashly
un counter to one's desire; be just the opposite to what one wished; accomplish the very opposite; exactly opposite; get just the opposite (of what one wants); have an exactly opposite effect; on the contrary; The result was just the opposite.; turn out to be just the opposite of; (The case) was just the reverse. 1.Get just the opposite.
2.The result is just the contrary.
3.Counsel will make a man stick his mare.
4.But there is another aspect which is just the reverse.
5.The result of such punishments is often paradoxical.
6.But there is another and exactly opposite aspect.
7.Cleared land, by contrast, promotes drought.
8.Attempting to improve power while fatigued is counterproductive.
9.Government action certainly makes a difference, though sometimes results are perverse.
10.Her attempts to calm them down only made matters worse.

  • 适得其反的英语解释
    答:turn out to be just the opposite of; (The case) was just the reverse. 1.Get just the opposite.适得其反2.The result is just the contrary.适得其反。3.Counsel will make a man stick his mare.忠告太多,适得其反。4.But there is another aspect which is just the reverse. 但...
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