
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

1)N years since its launch/birth, XX is riding both high and low . No other subject has stirred such international / national debate among...(人)

2) 人 be at loggerheads over...

be at odds with

Various communities are at loggerheads over whether technological advances are a boon to or a bane of people's lives.

Whether technological advances are a boon to or a bane of people's lives puts various communities at loggerheads.


造句:Whether sports stars should earn more money than  people in other important professions put various communities at loggerheads.

3)sth has found itself at the centre of controversy.

land sb in trouble/hospital/court etc

to cause someone to have serious problems or be in a difficult situation 使某人陷入困境/得病住院/卷入官司等

land at the centre of sth


land as the target of one’s anger,

land at the target of critis

4)become the most talked-about topic

Much has been written/talked/debated about...

5)The past few years have seen the topic of ... rush into the forefront of the news and other media.

6)The debate about...is in the air.

7)...is a hot-button topic that has sparked conversations on social media numerous times over the past few years.

8)the subject of...is among the most discussed on blogs or Twitter.

9) Debate on this digital attraction has been a long time building .【or: concerns about...has been a long time building.】

10)However, many arguments have been made with regard to whether the wider usage of cellphones is good or not.

11)Social media erupted in heated debate社交媒体上掀起了激烈争论。

12)Hence, xxx (digital health )has emerged to the surface and thus become the limelight of public interest.

13)Of late the popularity of digital health has been adding fuel to a debate about whether its merits are more than drawbacks.

14)With the advancement of our society, innumerable problems are continuously popping up before our eyes.

15)X has drawn mixed reviews from... (人),who…


Whether gene-editing technology should be applied to humans has drawn mixed reviews from all social circles, who are debating the benefits and potential dangers on social media platforms.

造句:Whether sports stars should be well-rewarded has drawn mixed reviews from all social circles who debate it on social media platforms.

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