
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

1、Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold. 不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈。
2、Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. 和狼在一起,就会学狼叫。(入乡随俗。)
3、When the wolf grows old, the crows ride him.狼老被鸦欺。
4、A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 青年成长时,食量大如狼。
5、The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature.狼牙会掉,狼性难改。(江山易改,本性难易。)
6、It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.蠢羊才向狼忏悔。
7、The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.有活的狼就有死的羔羊。
8、The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf.孤羊逢狼,必然遭殃。

wolf 参见:豺狼;黄鼠狼
狼叫,A wolf barks/growls.
野狼,wild wolf
孤狼,lone wolf
饿狼,hungry wolf
狼群,wolf pack
喊“狼来了”,cry wolf
一只狼,a wolf
一群狼,a pack of wolves

The wolf may lose his teeth,but never his nature.

He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl.
跟狼在一起, 就会学狼叫; 近墨者黑。
Dont trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold.
A growing youth has a wolf in his belly.
When the fox preaches, take care of your geese.
A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.
He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf.
It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.
The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.
The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf.

It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.


The dust raised by the sheep does not choke the wolf.


Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them.


The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.

狼狈不堪 狼狈为奸 狼狈万状 狼狈周章 狼奔豕突 狼奔鼠窜 狼奔鼠偷 狼奔兔脱 狼飡虎食 狼飡虎咽 狼餐虎噬 狼餐虎噬 狼餐虎咽 狼吃幞头 狼虫虎豹 狼多肉少 狼顾鸱张 狼顾鸱跱 狼顾狐疑 狼嚎鬼叫 狼子野心 狼烟四起 狼心狗肺 狼心狗行 杯盘狼籍 杯盘狼藉 豺狼成性
豺狼当道 豺狼当路 豺狼当涂
豺狼横道 豺狼虎豹 豺狼野心
豺狼之吻 鸱视狼顾 除狼得虎
狗肺狼心 狗行狼心 官虎吏狼
鬼哭狼嗥 鬼哭狼嚎 鬼吒狼嚎
鬼咤狼嚎 鬼抓狼嚎 虎狼之势
虎穴狼巢 进退狼狈 拒虎进狼
拒狼进虎 狼狈不堪 狼狈万状
狼狈为奸 狼狈周章 狼奔豕突
狼奔鼠窜 狼奔鼠偷 狼奔兔脱
狼飡虎食 狼飡虎咽 狼餐虎噬
狼餐虎咽 狼吃幞头 狼虫虎豹
狼顾鸱张 狼顾鸱跱 狼顾狐疑
狼顾虎视 狼顾麕惊 狼顾鸢视
狼嗥狗叫 狼嗥鬼叫 狼嚎鬼叫
狼号鬼哭 狼艰狈蹶 狼猛蜂毒
狼前虎后 狼飧虎咽 狼贪虎视
狼贪鼠窃 狼突鸱张 狼突豕窜
狼吞虎餐 狼吞虎噬 狼吞虎咽
狼心狗肺 狼心狗行 狼烟大话
狼烟四起 狼眼鼠眉 狼羊同饲
狼子兽心 狼子野心 粒米狼戾
前门拒虎,后门进狼 前门去虎,后门进狼 前怕狼,后怕虎
驱羊战狼 豕窜狼逋 豕突狼奔
使羊将狼 如狼牧羊 如狼如虎
如狼似虎 声名狼藉 鼠窜狼奔
鼠心狼肺 贪污狼藉 枭视狼顾
羊狠狼贪 引虎拒狼 引狼拒虎
引狼入室 引狼自卫 鹰视狼步
鹰视狼顾 鹰睃狼顾 鹰挚狼食
赃贿狼籍 赃贿狼藉 赃秽狼藉
赃货狼藉 赃私狼籍 赃私狼藉



狼吃狼 - 冷不防(比喻突然,没有料到)
狼惜猪娃 - 还不了(比喻不去无回)
狼头上长角 - 装样(羊)
狼装羊肥 - 不怀好意
狼吃狼 - 冷不防
狼装羊笑 - 居心不良
狼头上括竹笋 - 装羊(羊)
狼行千里吃肉 - 本性难移
狼窝里荞孩子 - 性命难保
狼不吃死孩子 - 活人惯的
狼啃青草 - 装洋(羊)
狼吃鬼 - 没影几
狼看羊羔 - 越看越少
狼借猎娃 - 还不了
狼狗打架 - 两头害怕

狼狈不堪 狼狈为奸 狼狈万状 狼狈周章 狼奔豕突 狼奔鼠窜 狼奔鼠偷 狼奔兔脱 狼飡虎食 狼飡虎咽 狼餐虎噬 狼餐虎噬 狼餐虎咽 狼吃幞头 狼虫虎豹 狼多肉少 狼顾鸱张 狼顾鸱跱 狼顾狐疑 狼嚎鬼叫 狼子野心 狼烟四起 狼心狗肺 狼心狗行 杯盘狼籍 杯盘狼藉 豺狼成性
豺狼当道 豺狼当路 豺狼当涂
豺狼横道 豺狼虎豹 豺狼野心
豺狼之吻 鸱视狼顾 除狼得虎
狗肺狼心 狗行狼心 官虎吏狼
鬼哭狼嗥 鬼哭狼嚎 鬼吒狼嚎
鬼咤狼嚎 鬼抓狼嚎 虎狼之势
虎穴狼巢 进退狼狈 拒虎进狼
拒狼进虎 狼狈不堪 狼狈万状
狼狈为奸 狼狈周章 狼奔豕突
狼奔鼠窜 狼奔鼠偷 狼奔兔脱
狼飡虎食 狼飡虎咽 狼餐虎噬
狼餐虎咽 狼吃幞头 狼虫虎豹
狼顾鸱张 狼顾鸱跱 狼顾狐疑
狼顾虎视 狼顾麕惊 狼顾鸢视
狼嗥狗叫 狼嗥鬼叫 狼嚎鬼叫
狼号鬼哭 狼艰狈蹶 狼猛蜂毒
狼前虎后 狼飧虎咽 狼贪虎视
狼贪鼠窃 狼突鸱张 狼突豕窜
狼吞虎餐 狼吞虎噬 狼吞虎咽
狼心狗肺 狼心狗行 狼烟大话
狼烟四起 狼眼鼠眉 狼羊同饲
狼子兽心 狼子野心 粒米狼戾
前门拒虎,后门进狼 前门去虎,后门进狼 前怕狼,后怕虎
驱羊战狼 豕窜狼逋 豕突狼奔
使羊将狼 如狼牧羊 如狼如虎
如狼似虎 声名狼藉 鼠窜狼奔
鼠心狼肺 贪污狼藉 枭视狼顾
羊狠狼贪 引虎拒狼 引狼拒虎
引狼入室 引狼自卫 鹰视狼步
鹰视狼顾 鹰睃狼顾 鹰挚狼食
赃贿狼籍 赃贿狼藉 赃秽狼藉
赃货狼藉 赃私狼籍 赃私狼藉



狼吃狼 - 冷不防(比喻突然,没有料到)
狼惜猪娃 - 还不了(比喻不去无回)
狼头上长角 - 装样(羊)
狼装羊肥 - 不怀好意
狼吃狼 - 冷不防
狼装羊笑 - 居心不良
狼头上括竹笋 - 装羊(羊)
狼行千里吃肉 - 本性难移
狼窝里荞孩子 - 性命难保
狼不吃死孩子 - 活人惯的
狼啃青草 - 装洋(羊)
狼吃鬼 - 没影几
狼看羊羔 - 越看越少
狼借猎娃 - 还不了
狼狗打架 - 两头害怕

It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.


The dust raised by the sheep does not choke the wolf.


Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them.


The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.

The wind will let us neither sail nor stay.
- Proverb, (Latin)

The windy day is not a day for scallops [thatching].
- Proverb, (Irish)

The wine given to your workmen is that for which you get the best paid.
- Proverb, (French)

The wine has been poured and must be drunk.
- Proverb, (Darkovan)

The wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.
- Proverb

The wine is not known by the hoops.
- Proverb, (French)

The wine will taste of the cask.
- Proverb

The wine-skin has its reasons for smelling of pitch.
- Proverb, (Portuguese)

The winter is gone, the spring is come, a fly for those who us good have done.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wise drunkard is a sober fool.
- Proverb, (German)

The wise hand does not all that the tongue says.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wise knows that he does not know; the ignoramus thinks he knows.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wise man does not hang his knowledge on a hook.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wise man has long ears and a short tongue.
- Proverb, (German)

The wise man looks inside his heart and finds eternal peace.
- Proverb, (Hindu)

The wise man sits on the hole in his carpet.
- Proverb, (Persian)

The wise man, even when he holds his tongue, says more than the fool when he speaks.
- Proverb, (Yiddish)

The wise understand by themselves, fools follow the reports of others.
- Proverb, (Tibetan)

The wish is father to the thought.
- Proverb, (Latin)

The wish is the father of the deed.
- Proverb, (American)

The wit one wants spoils what one has.
- Proverb, (French)

The witness of a rat is another rat.
- Proverb, (Ethiopian)

The wolf and the fox are both in one story.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf bemoans the sheep, and then eats it.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf changes his hair, but not his nature.
- Proverb, (Latin)

The wolf changes his teeth but not his disposition.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf commits no mischief at home.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf dances round the well. [Longing for the water he cannot reach.]
- Proverb, (Latin)

The wolf does that in the course of the week which hinders him from going to mass on Sunday.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf eats of what is counted.
- Proverb, (Portuguese, Spanish)

The wolf eats oft of the sheep that have been warned.
- Proverb

The wolf is always left out of the reckoning.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf is always said to be bigger than he is.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf is always said to be more terrible than he is.
- Proverb

The wolf is not always a wolf.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf is not as big as people make him.
- Proverb, (French)

The wolf is well pleased with the kick of a sheep.
- Proverb, (Portuguese)

The wolf loses his teeth, but not his inclination.
- Proverb, (Portuguese, Spanish)

The wolf never wants a pretext against the lamb.
- Proverb

The wolf picks up the ass's fleas by moonlight.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf preys not in his own field.
- Proverb, (Danish)

The wolf will die in his skin.
- Proverb, (French)

The woman cries before the wedding and the man after.
- Proverb, (Polish)

The woman in finery, the house in filth, but the doorway swept.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The woman who gives is seldom good; the woman who accepts is in the power of the giver.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The woman who tells her age is either too young to have anything to lose or too old to have anything to gain.
- Proverb, (Chinese)

The wood has ears, the field has eyes.
- Proverb, (German)

The wood is burnt, but the ashes are a nuisance.
- Proverb, (Afghan)

The word of honour of a gentleman--another pledge would be better.
- Proverb, (French)

The words are fair, said the wolf, but I will not come into the village.
- Proverb, (Dutch)

It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.


The dust raised by the sheep does not choke the wolf.


Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them.


The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.



The wolf and the fox are both in one story.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf bemoans the sheep, and then eats it.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf changes his hair, but not his nature.
- Proverb, (Latin)

The wolf changes his teeth but not his disposition.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf commits no mischief at home.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf dances round the well. [Longing for the water he cannot reach.]
- Proverb, (Latin)

The wolf does that in the course of the week which hinders him from going to mass on Sunday.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf eats of what is counted.
- Proverb, (Portuguese, Spanish)

The wolf eats oft of the sheep that have been warned.
- Proverb

The wolf is always left out of the reckoning.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf is always said to be bigger than he is.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf is always said to be more terrible than he is.
- Proverb

The wolf is not always a wolf.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf is not as big as people make him.
- Proverb, (French)

The wolf is well pleased with the kick of a sheep.
- Proverb, (Portuguese)

The wolf loses his teeth, but not his inclination.
- Proverb, (Portuguese, Spanish)

The wolf never wants a pretext against the lamb.
- Proverb

The wolf picks up the ass's fleas by moonlight.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf preys not in his own field.
- Proverb, (Danish)

The wolf will die in his skin.
- Proverb, (French)

The wind will let us neither sail nor stay.
- Proverb, (Latin)

The windy day is not a day for scallops [thatching].
- Proverb, (Irish)

The wine given to your workmen is that for which you get the best paid.
- Proverb, (French)

The wine has been poured and must be drunk.
- Proverb, (Darkovan)

The wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.
- Proverb

The wine is not known by the hoops.
- Proverb, (French)

The wine will taste of the cask.
- Proverb

The wine-skin has its reasons for smelling of pitch.
- Proverb, (Portuguese)

The winter is gone, the spring is come, a fly for those who us good have done.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wise drunkard is a sober fool.
- Proverb, (German)

The wise hand does not all that the tongue says.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wise knows that he does not know; the ignoramus thinks he knows.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wise man does not hang his knowledge on a hook.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wise man has long ears and a short tongue.
- Proverb, (German)

The wise man looks inside his heart and finds eternal peace.
- Proverb, (Hindu)

The wise man sits on the hole in his carpet.
- Proverb, (Persian)

The wise man, even when he holds his tongue, says more than the fool when he speaks.
- Proverb, (Yiddish)

The wise understand by themselves, fools follow the reports of others.
- Proverb, (Tibetan)

The wish is father to the thought.
- Proverb, (Latin)

The wish is the father of the deed.
- Proverb, (American)

The wit one wants spoils what one has.
- Proverb, (French)

The witness of a rat is another rat.
- Proverb, (Ethiopian)

The wolf and the fox are both in one story.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf bemoans the sheep, and then eats it.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf changes his hair, but not his nature.
- Proverb, (Latin)

The wolf changes his teeth but not his disposition.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf commits no mischief at home.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf dances round the well. [Longing for the water he cannot reach.]
- Proverb, (Latin)

The wolf does that in the course of the week which hinders him from going to mass on Sunday.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf eats of what is counted.
- Proverb, (Portuguese, Spanish)

The wolf eats oft of the sheep that have been warned.
- Proverb

The wolf is always left out of the reckoning.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf is always said to be bigger than he is.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf is always said to be more terrible than he is.
- Proverb

The wolf is not always a wolf.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The wolf is not as big as people make him.
- Proverb, (French)

The wolf is well pleased with the kick of a sheep.
- Proverb, (Portuguese)

The wolf loses his teeth, but not his inclination.
- Proverb, (Portuguese, Spanish)

The wolf never wants a pretext against the lamb.
- Proverb

The wolf picks up the ass's fleas by moonlight.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The wolf preys not in his own field.
- Proverb, (Danish)

The wolf will die in his skin.
- Proverb, (French)

The woman cries before the wedding and the man after.
- Proverb, (Polish)

The woman in finery, the house in filth, but the doorway swept.
- Proverb, (Spanish)

The woman who gives is seldom good; the woman who accepts is in the power of the giver.
- Proverb, (Italian)

The woman who tells her age is either too young to have anything to lose or too old to have anything to gain.
- Proverb, (Chinese)

The wood has ears, the field has eyes.
- Proverb, (German)

The wood is burnt, but the ashes are a nuisance.
- Proverb, (Afghan)

The word of honour of a gentleman--another pledge would be better.
- Proverb, (French)

The words are fair, said the wolf, but I will not come into the village.
- Proverb, (Dutch)

  • 英语中狼的有关谚语
    答:与狼有关英语谚语:1、Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold. 不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈。2、Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. 和狼在一起,就会学狼叫。(入乡随俗。)3、When the wolf grows old, the crows ride him.狼老被...
  • 英语中关于狼的谚语有哪些?
    答:1、Man is a wolf to man. 人对人是狼。(人心狠,人吃人)2、A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 年轻人,在成长,吃起饭来像饿狼 。3、Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. 和狼在一起,就会学狼叫。4、cry wolf (虚张声势;报谎喊“狼来了”)5、keep ...
  • 狼相关的英语谚语有哪些
    答:有关狼的英语谚语精选 1.have a wolf in one's stomach (肚里有狼)是指“饥肠辘辘”2.have a wolfish appetite 是“有狼一般的食欲”3.to wolf down one's food 是“狼吞虎咽的吃东西”4.Keep the wolf from the door 是“得免饥寒”5.We...
  • 英语常识:关于狼的谚语有哪些?
    答:1、A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.贼了解贼,正如狼了解狼。2、It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.蠢羊才向狼忏悔。3、Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold.不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈。4、The wolf has...
  • 英语里有关狼的谚语
    答:狼惜猪娃 - 还不了(比喻不去无回)狼头上长角 - 装样(羊)狼装羊肥 - 不怀好意 狼吃狼 - 冷不防 狼装羊笑 - 居心不良 狼头上括竹笋 - 装羊(羊)狼行千里吃肉 - 本性难移 狼窝里荞孩子 - 性命难保 狼不吃死孩子 - 活人惯的 狼啃青草 - 装洋(羊)狼吃鬼 - 没影几 狼看羊羔 ...
  • 有关狼的英文谚语有什么?
    答:[谚]跟狼在一起, 就会学狼叫; 近墨者黑。keep the wolf from the door [口]免于挨饿; 勉强度日 One must howl with the wolves.[谚]跟狼在一起, 就得学狼叫; 入乡随俗。sea wolf 狼�; 任何贪食的大海鱼 海盗; 私掠船 潜艇 see[have seen]a wolf 张口结舌, 说不出话来 ...
  • 狼相关的经典英语谚语
    答:关于狼的英语谚语精选 1.Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. 和狼在一起,就会学狼叫。2.Man is a wolf to man. 人对人是狼。(人心狠,人吃人)3.(as)greedy as a wolf (非常贪婪, 贪得无厌)4.cry wolf (喊“狼来了”, 发假警报)5.eat like a...
  • 给十句英语谚语,谚语中要有狼这个单词
    答:1.Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold. 不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈。2.Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. 和狼在一起,就会学狼叫。(入乡随俗。)3.When the wolf grows old, the crows ride him.狼老被鸦欺。4.A growing ...
  • 英语里有关狼的谚语
    答:意思:披着羊皮的狼 例句:My next boss, on the surface very warm and charming, proved to be something of a wolf in sheep's clothing.a wolf whistle 意思:男人看到美女时候吹的口哨 例句:She'll get a few wolf whistles if she walks through town in those shorts.wolf-whistle ...
  • 关于狼的英语谚语
    答:驱羊战狼 豕窜狼逋 豕突狼奔 使羊将狼 如狼牧羊 如狼如虎 如狼似虎 声名狼藉 鼠窜狼奔 鼠心狼肺 贪污狼藉 枭视狼顾 羊狠狼贪 引虎拒狼 引狼拒虎 引狼入室 引狼自卫 鹰视狼步 鹰视狼顾 鹰睃狼顾 鹰挚狼食 赃贿狼籍 赃贿狼藉 赃秽狼藉 赃货狼藉 赃私狼籍 赃私狼藉 赃污狼籍 谚语 不能...