paragraph是什么意思中文翻译?  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

  • 在某个页面,是in some page还是on some page啊
    答:on some page。on some page 读音:英 [ɒn səm peɪdʒ] 美 [ɑːn səm peɪdʒ]释义:在某一页上。语法:page的基本意思是“页”,指书刊、杂志等的一页或报纸等的一版,也可指纸的一张,还可指报纸的“专页”。例句:A really ...
  • right 和at the start怎么理解?
    答:它还在一开始就表明你的段落是否会得到充分的支持。right应该是 马上,就 的意思,at the start 是一开始的意思。英翻中有的时候不用纠结于哪个词,只要大概意思知道了就行,不然这样会让你感到好痛苦,具体问题具体分析吧。
  • head是什么意思?
    答:“head”还有一种比较常见的用法是在指代数量或编号时。比如在文章中,我们说“Introduction”或“Chapter 1”等,这个“Introduction”或“Chapter 1”就被称为 “heading”(标题),“head”则指该标题的序号或编号,例如”Turn to page 17, the third paragraph under the second head” (翻到第17...
  • 我急需一篇汉翻英,希望大家帮帮忙啊
    答:[Edit this paragraph] China Dairy Industry Association chief expert, "Master dairy industry," Luo Cheng Xiang explained that the milk is now available in the market by type, there are two kinds of fresh milk, using Pakistan's sterilization law, short shelf life; One is the normal temperature...
  • 英文高手请进 请问这个段落 翻中文 是什麼意思 不要翻译软体
    答:讨论电影制作的其他方面 你可以从动作,编导,编辑,服装设计,摄像,背景音乐或者其他你能想到的方面,但是一要和你以前讨论的那段不一样。要保证详细且有具体的电影例子。没有逐字逐句的翻译,希望LZ满意
  • 那位仁兄帮忙翻一下(用英文
    答:In this story, the exposition is from paragraph 1 to 5. The main idea is Soapy desired to spend the winter in the prison. The main idea is soapy sought many ways to make cop catch him, but all in vain. The climax is from paragraph 32 to 36 tell us that soupy came to an old ...
  • 英语翻译(带英文不必翻成中文,求求各位大虾!!)
    答:[中]The Federal Republic of Germany [英] The Federal Republic of Germany [德] Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland National flower, national bird, the stone [Edit this paragraph]National flower: Cornflower, also known as the Blue Lotus, Lai Chi-ju, Turquoise Blue, a Compositae. After ...
  • 求中翻英
    答:1. Subject to paragraph credited into account performance, annual deadline for Dec. 20. After 20 credited into account the results included in the next year. Credited into account the number of results to paragraph basis for the calculation.2. General Manager and staff of the ...
  • 中翻英~急用~~麻烦诸位大侠帮帮忙
    答:From "matter right law" in paragraph 2 of article 19 of the law and the 21st regulation can see, [" matter right law "in paragraph 2 of article 19 of the regulations:" the dissidence registration is improper, causing damages to the right holder, the right holder may require...
  • 请英语强人翻一下
    答:翻译如下 第一段:联邦保姆又在插手了。这一次,她突袭了内布拉斯加州的明登,并要求获得支配体育赛事日程安排的权利。第二段:一个分歧已经酝酿在民登的事实上,男孩队往往发挥其他学校在周五或周六晚上,留下了工作日或下午晚些时候女生队的位置。有人向美国教育部民权办公室投诉。这所学校在1993年...